[comp.protocols.misc] X.PC usage

heath@ncrcae.Columbia.NCR.COM (Robert Heath) (09/01/87)

Is anyone out there seriously using X.PC ? (X.PC is Tymnet's async protocol 
similar to X.25 but targeted for PC users.)

A few years back, X.PC started out as a contender to MNP as a modem error 
correction protocol, though it goes beyond error correction to multiplexing
and packet assembly/disassembly for TTY's. Currently a few modem manufacturers
claim to support it as an error-correction mechanism, but I no longer see
references to it in the trade press for uses above this level.

I'm more interested in finding out:

1) in which environments people are using X.PC (e.g. PC-to-PC, PC-to-bulletin 
   board, PC-to-host, modem-to-modem)

2) on what type of machine do you use X.PC ? (e.g. modem, PC, mini, mainframe)

3) what services does X.PC carry (e.g. file transfer, terminal emulation, 
   e-mail, host server, 3270 emulation, modem error correction)

4) do you feel that your implementation has sufficient end-user services ?
   (same examples as #3 above)

5) how interconnectable is your X.PC implementation with other X.PC products ?

6) do you prefer X.PC to MNP as an error correction protocol ?

7) do you use X.PC in a business application or a hobby application ?

Please reply by e-mail and I'll summarize to the net.
	Robert Heath
	ncrcae!heath, heath@ncrcae.Columbia.NCR.COM
	NCR Dept 783
	3325 W. Platt Springs Rd.
	W. Columbia, SC 29169