spp@ZION.BERKELEY.EDU (Steve Pope) (09/04/87)
Just a brief note -- rick@seismo tells me that SLIP is not the protocol described in RFC-914. I haven't a copy of this RFC so I can't confirm this. I have a question maybe you can help me on. I need to specify a network protocol to use on top of IP running on half-duplex links. Clearly TCP is not useful, since it requires positive acknowledgement. The protocol I am looking for would involve the following sorts of things: automatic retransmission of datagrams a fixed number of times; occasional turnaround of the link under control of the application; occasional "confirmation" of reception of a transmission, again probably at the application level. I am curious if anything like this has been done in the DDN community, and what the experience was like. Any thoughts on this are appreciated. cheers, steve pope, Cyclotomics. Inc.