(Stuart Friedberg) (10/12/88)
I am running a project to design and test an experimental functional extension to the TCP/IP protocol. We will be concentrating on the connection setup/teardown sub-protocol, leaving the reliable transmission sub-protocol pretty much alone. We would like to use existing software during the test phase, so I am now looking for test (exhaustive) or verification (deductive) tools which have been applied to un-modified TCP/IP by other workers. Because we want to test the protocol before implementation, network protocol exercisers won't be of much use, but we could use any type of mechanical protocol testing that accepts a protocol description or simulation as input. This would be a good opportunity for verification specialists to see their tools used by "practitioners", and to get feedback about adapting the tools to a related, but different, problem. If in doubt about the utility of your tools on our problem, please drop me a note. We'd rather hear from you than not. We can pay a nominal fee for software duplication and distribution, and appropriate credit will be given to tool providers in our project reports. Stuart Friedberg (608) 262-0664 Department of Computer Science 1210 West Dayton Street University of Wisconsin - Madison Madison, WI 53706