[comp.protocols.misc] Broadcast capability with X.25

akupanna%aschq.decnet@FSDEC4.WTP.CONTEL.COM ("ASCHQ::AKUPANNA") (02/03/90)

Picture this: There exists a (satellite-based) network, the traditional
cloud; the interface points to this network operate per the CCITT X.25
recommendation (1984 version); the internal protocol of the network is
proprietary (optimized for use on satellite) and supports broadcast

I have taken on the task of modifying the interface to this network to 
enable users to take advantage of this broadcast feature of the internal
protocol. I am therefore looking to make additions to the X.25 implementation
to permit users to connect to a broadcast channel (one way only - no
acknowledgement or retransmission) or receive data from a broadcast channel.
The CCITT recommendation for X.25 makes no mention of such a possibility
since the traditional view of X.25 is point-to-point rather than broadcast.

If you have any thoughts on how this type of problem has been approached
by others or can point me to any literature on this subject, I would 
appreciate it if you could E-mail your response to at the address below. I 
will summarise the response to the net if there is sufficient interest.

Ananth Kupanna
| 1801 Research Bl		  Voice: 301/251-7838 |
| Rockville, MD 20850		  Fax  : 301/251-4407 |
| Internet:akupanna%aschq.decnet@fsdec.wtp.contel.com |