[comp.protocols.misc] Looking for PD X/Y/Z-Modem protocol

mrys@ethz.UUCP (Michael Rys) (07/12/90)

I am looking for a public domain version of the X/Y/Z-Modem
protocoll. Does it work over X25 networks which may only support
7 bit and not 8bit?

I am interested only in the algorithms and protocolls, not a particular
implementation, unless you implemented it in APL :-).

Any help by e-mail appreciated
| Michael Rys, V. Conzett Str. 34; CH-8004 Zuerich; Switzerland |
| UUCP:  mrys@ethz.UUCP or       EAN:     mrys@ifi.ethz.ch	|
|        mrys@bernina.UUCP       IPSANet: mrys@ipsaint		|
| Voice: +41 1 242 35 87					|
-- Wovon man nicht sprechen kann, darueber muss man schweigen. --
       Ludwig Wittgenstein, Tractatus logico-philosophicus