[comp.protocols.misc] AFTP again

clipper@uwocsd.csd.uwo.ca (Khun Yee Fung) (10/14/90)

This is the ASCII version of AFTP.

Khun Yee
	           Anonymous File Transfer Protocol (AFTP)
	                       Khun Yee Fung
                      The University of Western Ontario
	                      September 1990
	1. Introduction
	The purpose of Anonymous File Transfer Protocol (AFTP) is to
	promote sharing of public available programs, documents, and
	data. To achieve this objective, AFTP shields the user from
	the variations in various file systems and operating systems.
	This protocol also allows multiple data transfer
	simultaneously.  This protocol is specified such that
	intelligent, flexible and secure servers and clients can be
	written easily.
	2. Background
	Anonymous FTP has been around for a few years now. Its
	popularity is undeniable. You can find lists of anonymous FTP
	sites published in newsgroups, anonymous FTP sites for
	software requested in newsgroups, and anonymous FTP site given
	for software written.
	The use of anonymous FTP also rises a lot of concerns.
	Foremost is the security of the machines providing this
	service. FTP is meant for users to log in to their own
	accounts and transfer files from a machine to another machine.
	The accounts must exist for the users to log on. Thus
	accountability is maintained, albeit remotely. However,
	anonymous FTP has the opposite idea of letting anybody to
	logon using a common account. Restrictions must then be
	applied to ensure the integrity of the file system of the
	server machine. Since the FTP server must have a very high
	privilege to be able to log on to any user's account, any hole
	in the implementation can lead to disaster if a criminal logs
	on.  I think anonymous FTP is in general unsuitable for FTP
	because of this security problem.
	Another reason of not having anonymous FTP in FTP is that
	there are many different machines around. Each operating
	system usually has different convention to name files,
	organizes directories, and in general does things differently.
	For normal FTP, this is no problem because the user is
	expected to know the remote machine well enough to transfer
	files from one machine to another. But for anonymous FTP, this
	is different. A user can log in on a Tops-10 machine without a
	clue as to how to proceed. Directories can be organized in a
	bizarre way. Different structures for files and directories
	means that automatic programs for transferring files at a set
	time from a machine are difficult to write and usually not
	general enough to work on all machines.
	AFTP tries to aviate these problems. It is designed solely for
	anonymous file transfer. It only has to know a limited amount
	of files. Therefore, the AFTP server can have the same
	privilege as a normal user on a system. It is easy to limit
	its knowledge of the machine it is on. On a Unix machine, the
	AFTP server can be owned by a ordinary user id. And implement
	the server such that only files owned by this user id can be
	transferred. This solves the security problem.  To solve the
	incompatible file systems problem, AFTP defines a fixed format
	for directory listings. It decrees that files and directories
	must be listed separately. It also provides a
	change-to-parent-directory command for tree-structured file
	3. Data Representation
	The only recognized data representation in AFTP is the octet.
	The server and client are responsible for the conversion of
	other representations to octets. As in standard practice,
	ASCII characters are converted to octets by adding a zero bit
	in the most significant end of the characters. For example, an
	ASCII character, 1001001 in binary is converted to a octet,
	01001001 in binary.
	There is a provision for extending the number of data
	representations recognized by AFTP. Up to 10 file types can be
	specified. This will be left for future considerations.
	Whether to use <CR><LF> or <LF> to delimit lines in a ASCII
	file is left to the discretion of the servers and clients. The
	server and the client are expected to send files as they are
	in the file system, converted to octets if necessary.
	4. Terminology
	  - ASCII: In AFTP, eight-bit ASCII is used. Eight-bit ASCII
	    characters are derived by adding a zero bit at the most
	    significant bit of the seven-bit ASCII characters.
	  - Client: The part of a connection that demands service.
	  - Client machine: The machine the client is on.
	  - Command: A series of octets sent by the client to the
	    server to request service.
	  - Connection: A communication path between the client and
	    the server for the exchange of commands, replies, and
	  - Control Connection: The connection for the server to send
	    replies and the client to send commands. This connection
	    exists from the beginning for a AFTP session to the end.
	  - Control port: The port for the control connection.
	  - Data connection: The connection for exchanging data. A
	    data connection is established when a command requiring
	    data transfer requests a connection through the
	    specification of a port number.  After the data transfer,
	    a data connection is disconnected.
	  - Data port: The port for a data connection.
	  - Directory: A logical container in a file system containing
	    files.  It can contain other directories too.
	  - Errorcode: The third, fourth, and fifth digit of a return
	  - File: A series of octets with a size, date of creation and
	    filename. It has a type of either ASCII, binary, or Tenex.
	    More file types can be defined when needs arise.
	  - File position: A pointer in a file after a certain number
	    of octets.
	  - Filename: The name of a file in a directory.
	  - Guest directory: The directory for clients to put files
	    to.  The server can decide whether it wants to have such a
	  - Local machine: The machine the client is on.
	  - Octet: A eight-bit byte.
	  - Opcode: The first two digits of a return code.
	  - Path: The name of a file or directory independent of the
	    current directory. It is assumed that the LF (ASCII 10,
	    decimal) character is not valid in a path.
	  - Regexp: Regular expression used to discriminate files to
	    be shown in a directory listing.
	  - Remote machine: The machine the server is on.
	  - Reply: A message sent by the server to indicate success or
	    failure. It includes a return code with possibly text.
	  - Return code: A nine digit code sent by the server to signal
	    success or failure of a n operation demanded by the client.
	  - Serial number: A serial number is a three-digit decimal
	    number with leading zeroes from 000 to 999, assigned to a
	    command by the client. It is used to identify a command.
	    The server will use this serial number to precisely
	    acknowledge a command sent by the client. This is
	    important because multiple commands can be outstanding.
	    Serial numbers are used to avoid confusion. The assigning
	    of numbers is up to the client.
	  - Server: The part of a connection that accepts requests and
	    manages the AFTP area of a machine.
	  - Server machine: The machine the server is on.
	5. Definitions
	5.1 Files and Directories
	In AFTP, a virtual file system is defined with the convention
	that there are two types of files: directories and regular
	files. These two types can never be mixed together in AFTP.
	There can be directories in a directory. However, directories
	need not be a tree-like structure.
	A file has the following attributes: size, date of creation,
	and filename. A directory has: date of creation, and directory
	The size of a file is the number of octets that would be sent
	if this file is to be sent. The date of creation is the date
	the file was created.  The filename of a file is the name of
	the file in its directory.
	5.2 Replies
	In this protocol, we use a serial-number acknowledgement
	scheme. After a command is sent by the client requesting a
	service, the server will send back a reply informing the
	client whether the requested command has been carried out
	correctly or not. A reply contains a return code and possibly
	text data after the return code.  In every command, there is a
	serial number; the return code for a particular command has
	the same serial number. Therefore, more than one command can
	be sent by the client at one time and the server acknowledges
	them separately. A data transfer is finished when the server
	closes the data connection.  We will discuss more about
	multiple commands later on.
	A return code always consists of nine digits. The first three
	digits constitute the serial number of the command this return
	code is acknowledging.  The serial number of a command is
	assigned by the client. It can be selected arbitrarily. To
	avoid confusion, incrementing the serial number for each
	command is a good idea but not compulsory. The next two digits
	refer to the type of the command this return code is
	acknowledging. The next three digits are used to indicate
	error or success. The last digit is used for providing
	additional information. This last digit is used only in some
	commands.  In other commands, it is left zero.
	Syntax of a reply:
	reply       = serial space opcode space errorcode space digit data
	serial      = digit digit digit
	data        = space text | empty
	empty       =
	opcode      = "00" | "01" | "02" | "03" | "04" | "05" | 
	              "06" | "07" | "08" | "09" | "10" | "11" | 
	              "12" | "13" | "14" | "15" | "16" | "99"
	errorcode   = "000" | "001" | "002" | "003" | "004" | 
	              "005" | "006" | "007" | "008" | "009" | 
	              "010" | "011" | "012" | "013" | "014" |
	              "015" | "016"
	digit       = "0" | "1" | "2" | "3" | "4" | "5" | "6" | 
	              "7" | "8" | "9"
	space       = " "
	``text'' is a series of octets not containing the line feed
	character (ASCII 10 decimal). It can exist only in errorcode
	In this document, we generally omit the serial number when we
	discuss the possible return codes sent by the server.
	The set of opcodes and errorcodes can be expanded when needs
	The following is the set of opcodes.
	        | Opcode |  Command | Opcode | Command      |
	        |   00   | continue | 01     | LD           |
	        |   02   | CD       | 03     | SD           |
	        |   04   | GF       | 05     | PF           |
	        |   06   | ABORT    | 07     | GD           |
	        |   08   | TOP      | 09     | RF           |
	        |   10   | QUIT     | 11     | TIME         |
	        |   12   | TELLME   | 13     | IAM          |
	        |   14   | MD       | 15     | RD           |
	        |   16   |CDUP      | 99     | System error |
	Opcode `00' is used in places for signaling success where no
	other opcodes are applicable, for example right after
	connection. The opcode `99' is used when the server encounters
	some system errors that it must terminate the AFTP session or
	an illegal command is sent by the client. For both of these
	opcodes, the serial number can be any number.
	The errorcodes have the following meaning:
	 - 000. No error. Requested action carried out successfully.
	   It can have optional text as a means of returning
	   information requested by the client. Other errorcodes do
	   not have this property.
	 - 001. Syntax error. The last digit of the return code
	   specifies which word is in error.
	 - 002. Action not done. The client does not have the
	   privilege to request the action. This is most common when
	   the client wants to delete a file which it does not have
	   the permission to.
	 - 003. No such file or directory. The client has specified a
	   file or a directory that the server does not know.
	 - 004. Data transfer failed for some reason. This errorcode
	   is given when in the middle of a data transfer, something
	   happened in the server machine and the data connection must
	   be terminated. This errorcode substitutes the normal
	   success `000' errorcode.
	 - 005. This is specific for the commands ``GF'' and ``PF''.
	   The file position (explained later) specified is too large.
	 - 006. The server has encountered a problem. It must
	   terminate the AFTP session. The opcode of this errorcode is
	   always `99'. This errorcode can be sent anytime the server
	   encounters a problem, whether a data transfer is taking
	   place or not.
	 - 007. No more data connection allowed. The server decides
	   how many data connections allowed for a control connection.
	 - 008. The server is not prepared to serve a client. This is
	   sent right after connection to inform the client that the
	   server machine's system load is too high or there are too
	   many AFTP connections.
	 - 009. Current time is not permitted for a AFTP connection on
	   server machine. In most machines, AFTP connections are
	   restricted to a certain period in a day. If AFTP
	   connections are not permitted at a certain time, this
	   errorcode should be sent right after the connection.  The
	   opcode for this errorcode is always `99'.
	 - 010. No such command. The client has sent a command that
	   the server does not know. The opcode for this errorcode is
	   always `99'.
	 - 011. File or directory exists when ``PF'' is requested.
	   Delete the file before attempting the action.
	 - 012. File type is given in the last digit. This errorcode
	   is given when the client requests a file to be sent. The
	   meaning of the last digit is: 0 -- binary, 1 -- ASCII, 2 --
	   TENEX. This list can be expanded to others. This code is
	   sent to inform the client of the type of the file being
	   sent over. So that the client knows how to reassemble the
	   file from the octets received from the server.
	 - 013. The server has waited too long for the client. Timed
	   out. Two trials should be given. The server should then
	   terminate the AFTP session. The opcode of this errorcode is
	   always `99'.
	 - 014. Signals the client to go ahead with the action or to
	   get ready for data.
	 - 015. Currently no command with the serial number specified
	   is being executed. This command is used to respond to a
	   ``ABORT'' command when the command to be aborted is either
	   not existing or has been completed.
	 - 016. Cannot open data connection. The server cannot open a
	   data connection for reason other than too many data
	   connections.  This errorcode is used before any data
	   transfer has been done whereas `004' is used when some data
	   transfer has been done.
	5.3 The AFTP Model
	For a client to connect to a remote machine, there must be a
	server running in the remote machine. The server is expected
	to constantly listening to the AFTP port. The client initiates
	the control connection by trying to connect to the AFTP port.
	The server is expected to accept the connection. Once the
	control connection is established, a standard reply is sent
	from the server to the client to inform the client whether the
	connection is ready (`00 000 0' return code). Or, instead, the
	server can inform the client that the system work load for the
	remote machine is too great for a new AFTP session (`99 008 0'
	return code); or the remote machine does not accept AFTP
	connections at current time (`99 009 0' return code).  Once
	this reply is received, the client can start issuing commands
	if the connection is successful or terminate the connection if
	Any time the control connection is closed by the client, the
	server will close all data connections outstanding. It is the
	responsibility of the client to make sure the control
	connection is open throughout the AFTP session.
	If the client is idle for more than a specific amount of time
	(about 15 minutes probably), the server can terminate the AFTP
	session after sending two `013' time out errorcodes.
	5.4 Data and Control Connections
	A AFTP session begins when a control connection is
	established. This connection continues until the end of the
	AFTP session. Commands and replies are exchanged using this
	When a command requiring data transfer is passed to the
	server, it passes a port number to the server at the same
	time. This port number represents the port the data transfer
	will take place. This port is called the data port. The
	connection for the data port is called the data connection. A
	data port exists only for the transferring of data of one
	command. After the data transfer is over, the data connection
	is closed. The client is expected to listen to the port before
	issuing a data transfer command. It then sends the command
	with the port number. Once the server has received the command
	and agrees to the data transfer, the server should try to
	connect to the port specified. The client then accepts the
	connection and the data transfer can then take place.
	When data transfer occurs, the server is expected to monitor
	the control connection for further commands sent by the
	client.  Simultaneous data transfer is possible because of
	this policy and the use of the serial number acknowledgement
	The maximum number of simultaneous data connections allowed
	for a single control connection is left to the server to
	decide. If this number is exceeded, the server sends a `007'
	errorcode to indicate this problem.
	A data connection is closed by the party sending data. The
	server will send back a reply indicating that it has closed
	the data connection or it has noticed the closing of the data
	6. Commands
	Each command is prefixed by a three-digit serial number, the
	command body and terminated by a single LF (Line Feed, ASCII
	10 decimal).  There should be at least one space character
	between words in the commands, no space characters are allowed
	between the beginning of the command and the first character
	of the command, and no space characters are allowed after the
	last character and the end of the command. Cases of the words
	in a command are always significant so that `LD' is different
	from `ld'. We will omit the serial number in the explanations
	here. They must exist in each command sent by the client. No
	command can have more than 1024 octets, including the Line
	Feed character at the end of the command.
	For commands requiring a data port for data transfer, the
	client should open the data port and wait for the server to
	signal `go ahead' by sending a `014' errorcode. It can then
	receive or send data using the data port. If the client sends
	data, it should close after data has been sent. The server
	should close the data connection after the server has sent all
	the data. After the data has been sent, the server should send
	either `000' errorcode to signal success, or `004' to signal
	failed data transfer to the client.
	Syntax of a command:
	aftp-command = serial space command
	command      = LD-command | CD-command | SD-command | 
	               GF-command | PF-command | ABORT-command |
	               GD-command | RF-command | QUIT-command |
	               TIME-command | TELLME-command |
	               IAM-command | TOP-command | MD-command
	               RD-command | CDUP-command
	space        = " "
	6.1 LD, list a directory
	Lists a directory and show the files or directories in the
	current directory. The syntax of the command, in BNF:
	LD-command = "LD" port "FULL" order regexp | 
	             "LD" port order type regexp
	order      = "ALPHA" | "TIME"
	type       = "FILE" | "DIR"
	regexp     = alt | reg | empty
	alt        = "(" reg ")" "|" alt | "(" reg ")"
	reg        = kleene | plus | charcl | any | char | 
	             kleene reg | plus reg | charcl reg | 
	             char reg | any reg
	plus       = char "+" | any "+"
	chars      = char | char "-" char | char chars | 
	             char "-" char chars
	suffix     = "+" | "*" | empty
	neg        = "^" | empty
	charcl     = "[" neg chars "]" suffix
	kleene     = char "*" | any "*"
	any        = "?"
	empty      =
	port       = eightbit "," eightbit "," eightbit "," 
	             eightbit "," eightbit "," eightbit
	``eightbit'' is a number from 0 to 255. The first four numbers
	in ``port'' constitutes the IP address of the client machine.
	The last two numbers represent the 32-bit TCP port number. To
	convert the 32-bit port number to two ``eightbit''s, divide
	the port number by 256. The quotient is the first ``eightbit''
	number, and the remainder is the second ``eightbit'' number.
	To get the meta-characters used in the regular expressions,
	add ``\'' in front of the character to be escaped. The
	sequence ``\\'' yields a single ``\''. There are a few special
	characters that can be specified only by using the escape
	mechanism. They are line feed (\n ASCII 10 decimal), tab (\t
	ASCII 9 decimal), carriage return (\r ASCII decimal 13),
	backspace (\b ASCII 8 decimal) and form feed (\f ASCII 12
	decimal).  These special characters, and other regular
	characters constitute the syntax category ``char'' in the BNF
	Only files and directories that can be read by the client
	should be listed by this command.
	When ``FULL'' is specified, all files accessible by AFTP
	should be listed in the order selected by the command. Ordered
	by ``ALPHA'' means that files are ordered in their
	alphabetical order. For characters other than the alphabets,
	the order is chosen according to their ASCII values. Ordered
	by ``TIME'' means the files should be listed according to how
	recently they were created. The least recent file is sent
	first and the most recent file is sent last.
	Either ``FILE''s can be listed or ``DIR''ectories can be
	listed, but not both.  If ``regexp'' exists, it is used to
	discriminate the files or directories to be listed. Only files
	or directories with filenames matching the ``regexp'' will be
	listed. The semantics of ``regexp'' is almost identical to the
	usual Unix regular expressions.
	The output of the ``LD'' command is standardized. For regular
	files, each line of the output should be in the following
	form, with white spaces (tabs and space characters) separating
	the fields:
	    size date filename
	Where ``size'' is the size of the file, ``date'' the date of
	creation of the file, and ``filename'' the filename of the
	file.  Each line of listing is delimited by a single LF
	(line-Feed ASCII 10 decimal) character.
	The field ``date'' is a decimal number representing the number
	of seconds since 00:00:00 GMT, Jan. 1, 1970. Files created
	before that time has negative numbers for their dates.
	The syntax for ``date'' is:
	date      = neg number
	neg       = "-" | empty
	number    = digit number | digit
	For directory listings, each line should have the following
	format, with white spaces (tab or space characters) separating
	the fields:
	      date directory-name
	Where ``date'' is the date of creation, and ``directory-name''
	the name of the directory.  Each line of listing should be
	delimited by a single LF (line-Feed ASCII 10 decimal)
	A `01 014 0' return code will be sent if the request is
	successful.  The client should expect the listing to follow
	from the data port it specified. After the end of the listing,
	a `01 000 0' return code will be sent to indicate the end of
	the listing. Other return codes relevant for this command are:
	     | Return code | Explanation                            |
	     |   01 001 X  | Syntax error in word X                 |
	     |   01 003 0  | Directory not found                    |
	     |   01 007 0  | No more data connection allowed        |
	     |   01 016 0  | The server cannot open data connection |
	6.2 CD, change current directory
	CD changes the current directory. The current directory is
	only useful for the user.
	CD-command = "CD" file
	file       = filename | path
	The syntax for ``filename'' and ``path'' is system-dependent.
	However, it is always assumed that the LF character (ASCII 10
	decimal) is not a valid character in them.
	| Return code | Explanation            |
	| 02 000 0    | Success                |
	| 02 001 X    | Syntax error in word X |
	| 02 003 0    | Directory not found    |
	6.3 SD, show current directory
	SD-command = "SD"
	SD shows the name of the current directory. This is meant for
	the user only. The path of the directory should be returned by
	the server. If successful, a `03 000 0' return code will be
	returned by the server with the current directory follows.
	Syntax of the output:
	SD-reply = serial " 03 000 0 " path
	Other return codes:
	| Return code | Explanation            |
	| 03 001 X    | Syntax error in word X |
	6.4 GF, get a file from the server
	The syntax for this command is:
	GF-command = "GF" port number file
	The file matches the file should be sent from the server,
	starting from the position after ``number''. For example, ``GF
	10 pub/readme.txt'' means getting the file named
	``pub/readme.txt'' starting from the 11th octet from the
	beginning of the file.
	If successful, the server will send back `04 012 X', where `X'
	is the file type of the file to be sent. The client should
	then expect to receive the contents of the file from the data
	connection it specified. The server will then send `04 000 0'
	to signal completion of the data transfer.
	The types of files supported right now is ASCII and binary.
	Tenex file type is defined but not supported. The numeric
	representation for ASCII file is 1, and 0 for binary.
	| Return code | Explanation                                         |
	| 04 001 X    | Syntax error in word X                              |
	| 04 003 0    | Directory not found                                 |
	| 04 005 0    | The file position specified is larger than the file |
	| 04 007 0    | No more data connection allowed                     |
	| 04 016 0    | The server cannot open data connection              |
	6.5 PF, put a file to server machine
	The syntax of the PF command is:
	PF-command = "PF" port number length type file
	type       = "BIN" | "ASCII" | "TENEX"
	length     = number
	``number'' is the file position to start putting the file. The
	file type is sent on the command line to the server so that
	the servers knows how to store the file being sent from the
	client. The number of file types can be expanded by two
	agreeing machines.
	If successful, the server will send back `05 014 0'. The
	client should then send the contents of the file using the
	data port specified. The server will then send `05 000 0' to
	signal completion of the data transfer. All files sent from
	the client to the server will reside in the guest directory.
	To change to the guest directory, use the ``GD'' command.  If
	the syntax of the filename is not valid on the server machine,
	the server is responsible for the renaming of the file. It can
	do it in anyway it deems appropriate. The file types it
	supports can be expanded when need arises.
	| Return code | Explanation                                         |
	|    05 001 X | Syntax error in word X                              |
	|    05 002 0 | Guest directory does not exist                      |
	|    05 005 0 | The file position specified is larger than the file |
	|    05 007 0 | No more data connection allowed                     |
	|    05 011 0 | The named file exists                               |
	|    05 016 0 | The server cannot open the data connection          |
	6.6 ABORT, abort an executing command
	ABORT-command = "ABORT" serial
	This command terminates the execution of the command
	identified by the serial number. The response from the server
	| Return code | Explanation                        |
	|    06 000 0 | Success                            |
	|    06 001 X | Syntax error in word X             |
	|    06 015 0 | No command with such serial number |
	The serial number in the reply should be the serial number of
	the ``ABORT'' command, not the command the ``ABORT'' command
	is trying to abort. This command can only be used to abort
	multiple step commands, namely, ``LD'', ``PF'', ``GF'', and
	6.7 GD, change to guest directory
	GD-command = "GD"
	If the guest directory exists, the server changes current
	directory to the guest directory and return its path using `07
	000 0' return code with the path after the return code and
	before the line feed of the return code.
	The syntax of the output:
	GD-reply = serial " 07 000 0 " path
	Other return codes are:
	| Return code | Explanation                    |
	|    07 001 X | Syntax error in word X         |
	|    07 002 0 | Guest directory does not exist |
	6.8 TOP, change to the top directory
	This command changes the current directory to the directory
	AFTP puts the client on when the control connection was first
	TOP-command = "TOP"
	The server returns a `08 000 0' return code after the
	operation is carried out. `08 001 X' is returned if the server
	encounters a syntax error in word `X'.
	6.9 RF, delete a file
	RF-command = "RF" file
	The file named is deleted. The server decides whether this
	command will succeed. The file to be deleted must be in the
	guest directory.  Files in other directories are not allowed
	to be deleted by a client.
	| Return code | Explanation                           |
	|    09 000 0 | Success                               |
	|    09 001 X | Syntax error in word X                |
	|    09 002 0 | Client not allowed to delete the file |
	|    09 003 0 | The named file does not exist         |
	6.10 QUIT, terminate AFTP session
	QUIT-command = "QUIT"
	Everything being done should be aborted and the session
	| Return code | Explanation            |
	|    10 000 0 | Success                |
	|    10 001 X | Syntax error in word X |
	After send `10 000 0', the server can severe the control
	connection.  All data connections are also closed with no
	warning sent from the server.
	6.11 TIME, show the time of the server machine
	TIME-command = "TIME"
	The time of the local machine of the server should be
	returned.  The syntax for specifying a date is the same as the
	``date'' syntax in command ``LD''.
	The server sends back `11 000 0' if the server agrees to send
	back the local time. The time is given after the return code
	and before the line feed of the reply.
	The syntax of the reply is:
	TIME-reply = serial " 11 000 0 " date
	The server sends back `11 001 X' if it found a syntax error in
	word `X'.
	6.12 TELLME, print introduction
	TELLME-command = "TELLME" port
	This command requests the server to send the introduction of
	the server machine. This command is allowed to fail if the
	server machine does not have such a file.
	If successful, the server sends back `12 014 0' if it is ready
	to send the file.  The client should expect to receive data
	from the data port it specified. The server then sends `12 000
	0' to signal the completion of the transfer.
	The server sends back `12 001 X' if it found a syntax error in
	word `X'. The server send back a `12 007 0' return code if no
	more data connections are allowed. The server sends `12 016 0'
	if it cannot open the data port requested by the client.
	6.13 IAM, identifying client
	This commands identifies the client. This can be the first
	command sent by the client after connection. Syntax:
	IAM-command = "IAM" username
	Everything after the command word ``IAM'' until the end of
	line is taken to be the username.
	The server sends back `13 000 0' if the operation is
	successful.  The server sends back `13 001 X' if it found
	syntax error in word `X'.
	6.14 MD, create a directory
	The syntax of the MD command is:
	MD-command = "MD" filename
	If successful, the server will send back `05 000 0'.  A
	directory should not be allowed to be created in places other
	than in the guest directory. It is up to the server to enforce
	this.  If the filename is not valid on the server machine, the
	server is responsible for the renaming of the file. It can do
	it in anyway it deems appropriate. The other responses are:
	| Return code | Explanation              |
	|    14 001 X | Syntax error in word X   |
	|    14 002 0 | Directory is not created |
	|    14 011 0 | The named file exists    |
	6.15 RD, remove a directory
	RF-command = "RF" file
	The file named is deleted. The server decides whether this
	command will succeed. The directory to be deleted must be in
	the guest directory.  Directories in other directories are not
	allowed to be deleted by a client. The server decides whether
	a non-empty directory can be deleted or not.
	| Return code | Explanation                                |
	|    15 000 0 | Success                                    |
	|    15 001 X | Syntax error in word X                     |
	|    15 002 0 | Client not allowed to delete the directory |
	|    15 003 0 | The named directory does not exist         |
	6.16 CDUP, change to the parent of the current directory
	CDUP-command = "CDUP"
	This command changes directory to be the parent of the current
	directory. Only file systems with tree-structured directories
	should allow this. The successful execution of this command
	should return `16 000 0'.
	Other return codes:
	| Return code | Explanation                                   |
	|    16 001 X | Syntax error in word X                        |
	|    16 002 0 | This command is not valid in this file system |
	The parent of the root directory is the root itself. The
	server should be careful not to change directory beyond the
	AFTP area.
	7. References
	Jon Postel, and Joyce Reynolds, ``File Transfer Protocol'',
	`rfc 959', ISI, October 1985.
	8. Author Information
	Khun Yee Fung
	Department of Computer Science
	Middlesex College
	The University of Western Ontario
	London, Ontario
	N6A 5B7
In Real life: Khun Yee Fung    clipper@csd.uwo.ca (Internet) 
Alternative: 4054_3267@UWOVAX.BITNET
UUCP: ...!{ihnp4|decvax|seismo}!{watmath|utzoo}!ria!csd!clipper
Department of Computer Science
Middlesex College
The University of Western Ontario
London, Ontario, N6A 5B7  CANADA