[comp.protocols.appletalk] Async AppleTalk availability

richb@dartvax.UUCP (09/18/87)


Here's the situation with Async AppleTalk.  I'm distributing the
DA, as well as the spec for AALAP and a bunch of other technical
information (including sources for the interesting parts of the
interrupt routines, etc.)  Please send me a disk, and I'll fill
it up.  Thanks.

Rich Brown


What is Async AppleTalk?

  Async AppleTalk is a Macintosh driver and desk accessory which allow a user
  to access AppleTalk resources (file servers, laser printers, etc.) over a
  dial-up RS-232 ("async") link.  The driver replaces the standard AppleTalk
  driver and intercepts the LAPWrite and LAPRead "hooks" to send or receive
  the packets on an async link, instead of the 230.4 kbps AppleTalk Personal
  Network (as it has been recently named).

  Async AppleTalk presumes an (almost full) eight-bit data path.  It works
  with Xon/Xoff flow control.  An escape mechanism allows arbitrary data
  to be sent.

How can I use Async AppleTalk on my campus/office/home?

  Ahah!  Another person finds the problem!  The answer is: you'll need some
  other gadget to bridge between an Async AppleTalk and a high speed link.
  Several commercial companies have announced hardware which will solve this
  problem (Sand Hill Engineering, in Geneva FL, Solana Electronics in San
  Diego, CA, Shiva Corporation, Cambridge, MA).  Contact them for price and
  availability information.

How do we use Async AppleTalk at Dartmouth?

  We have a campus network with RS-232 ports which we have programmed to accept
  Async AppleTalk messages from the Mac and sends them out an standard (230.4
  kbps) wire.  This makes file servers and laserwriters available to Macs which
  have dialed in over Async AppleTalk.  (AppleShare, LaserWriters, InterMail,
  and a host of other utilities and public domain games work just fine...)

Is Async Appletalk compatible with all versions of the system software?

  I have tested Async AppleTalk with Finder 4.1/Sys 2.0 and greater.  I have
  also used Async AppleTalk with a Mac/XL, 512K, 512Ke, Mac Plus, Mac SE and
  Mac II.  (I just received an alpha copy of multifinder, and will begin
  compatibility testing soon.)

Is Async AppleTalk compatible with TOPS, MacServe and AppleShare?

  Async AppleTalk works with AppleShare (the server must be on a 230.4 kbps
  link).  It does not work with TOPS 1.0 (TOPS expects a response much too
  quickly.  The 2.0 version may have fixed this.)  It does not work with
  MacServe (Async AppleTalk unregisters the names which MacServe registers on

Will it run on a Mac XL?

  Async AppleTalk runs fine with a Lisa/Mac XL.

Can I use my XXX hardware with Async AppleTalk?

  The answer is: sometimes.  For a full answer, you need a bit of background:
  There are two useful things to do with a box which has one AppleTalk port and
  one async (RS-232) port.  Async AppleTalk will do one, but not the other.

  1.  Async AppleTalk is designed to accept AppleTalk packets (which are
  sequences of bytes in a predefined format) over a modem or other RS-232 link,
  and to send them into an AppleTalk network as if the Mac were directly
  connected.  Thus, Async AppleTalk "replaces" a normal AppleTalk link with
  a telephone link.

  2.  To connect your ASCII terminal or terminal emulator to an AppleTalk
  network (for example, to share a modem) you need a device which accepts
  single characters from an async device (the terminal), wraps them in an
  AppleTalk packet, and sends them across the AppleTalk network. The
  technical term for this is a Packet Assembler/ Disassembler (PAD).  Async
  AppleTalk does *not* do this.  Don't worry, there are commercial
  companies working on this, too.

  You are correct to suspect that the same hardware could do these two
  things (using different software).  Within six months, I expect there will be
  a lively market for boxes which perform both functions.  If you already own
  AppleTalk hardware, contact your vendor to see if they will offer these

How can I connect a LaserWriter (AppleShare, TOPS, etc ...)?

  Today (July 1987), you probably can't.  At Dartmouth we have modified our
  entire campus network to work with Async AppleTalk and the 230.4 kbps
  AppleTalk network.  For most other institutions, it makes sense to wait a
  bit for commercial implementations to appear.

  When these commercial packages arrive, you ought to be able to plug the box
  onto the standard AppleTalk wire, plug the modem in, and be off and running.

How is Async AppleTalk being distributed?

  Dartmouth is distributing Async AppleTalk free of charge, with the following
  conditions:  we retain the copyright, so please keep our name on it, and
  please don't charge money for it.  Otherwise, feel free to use it or pass it
  on to anyone else.  If you want to use it in a commercial product, get a copy
  of our distribution policy:  it's included with a whole lot of other infor-
  mation about Async AppleTalk.  Send a disk in a mailer, and we'll send all
  the information.

Has Async AppleTalk been implemented in a host computer??

  No.  I expect that Dartmouth will come up with such a package in the future
  (we have no implementation schedule).  This only gives one piece of the total
  puzzle, though.  For Async AppleTalk to be useful on a host, you'll need to
  add many of the upper layer protocols (DDP, NBP, ATP, PAP, ASP, AFP, etc) to
  provide real service.  It is possible to think about grafting Async AppleTalk
  into the Columbia AppleTalk Package (CAP) on Unix (CAP is freely available
  from Columbia University), but it's a non-trivial implementation project.

  On the other hand, if you'd like to work on something like this, please give
  me a call.  I'd love to make this happen soon.

Rich Brown
Manager of Special Projects
Dartmouth College
Kiewit Computer Center
Hanover, NH 03755
EMail (CSNET, Bitnet, Usenet,...):
AppleLink:  A0183