[comp.protocols.appletalk] NCSA availability

Ravinder.Chandhok@GNOME.CS.CMU.EDU (10/06/87)

Now, this is what I call good neighbors!

Great Work !

(I use the Mac version *every day*)

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Date: Mon, 5 Oct 87 15:55:31 CDT
From: lister@ncsa.uiuc.edu (Tim K telnet use)
Message-Id: <8710052055.AA07166@lurch.ncsa.uiuc.edu>
To: telmail@lurch.ncsa.uiuc.edu
Subject: NCSA Telnet version 2.0 available

New software for free . . .

The National Center for Supercomputing Applications has
good news and more good news for Macintosh and PC TCP/IP users.

	New version 2.0 of NCSA Telnet for the PC
	New version 2.0 of NCSA Telnet for the Macintosh
	New hardware support in testing
	Mailing list for telnet related questions/bugs (telnet@ncsa.uiuc.edu)
	User/Developer forum at TCP/IP conference in December
	SOURCE CODE coming soon!

On November 1, NCSA will release full source code to version 2.1 of NCSA
Telnet for the PC and Macintosh.  Anyone may use, modify and redistribute
this code subject to the licensing (not-for-profit) statement included
with the source.  We will redistribute contributed source code on an
ongoing basis.

Version 2.0 of NCSA Telnet is available now -- availability information is
appended to this note.  We have many new features, including Tektronix 4014 
emulation.  Previous bug on PCs and XTs is gone.  The pre-printed manual 
has been completely re-written and is worth the $20.

We are sponsoring a mailing list for people interested in keeping up with the
NCSA Telnet distribution and the various groups taking part in future 
development.  The address is telnet@ncsa.uiuc.edu.  Send a message to 
telnet-request@ncsa.uiuc.edu to get on the list.

For the PC, we have a driver for the MICOM NI5210 (not the NI5010) board,
which has a list price of $395.00 and a driver for the Ungermann-Bass
(IBM) NIC Ethernet board.  These drivers won't be included until version 2.1
but may be available upon request.

For the Macintosh, we are testing a version which uses Apple's new EtherTalk
driver directly.  This is not in version 2.0, but will be in 2.1.

There will be a meeting at Advanced Computing Environment's TCP/IP conference
in December.  I will discuss user problems and the status of various
development projects.  This will be a good time to ask technical questions.

Thanks for your interest, some details follow the signature,

Tim Krauskopf
National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA)
University of Illinois

timk@ncsa.uiuc.edu            (ARPA)
timk%newton@uxc.cso.uiuc.edu  (alternate)
14013@ncsavmsa                (BITNET)

Fact Sheet

National Center for Supercomputing Applications presents:

NCSA Telnet for the PC, version 2.0
NCSA Telnet for the Macintosh, version 2.0

These programs are copyrighted, but distributed in binary form with 
no license fee.  Source code will be available on November 1.

Features included in version 2.0 of NCSA Telnet:
DARPA standard telnet 
Built-in standard FTP server for file transfer
VT102 emulation in multiple, simultaneous sessions
Class A,B and C addressing with standard subnetting
Tektronix 4014 graphics emulation
Scrollback for each session
Each session in a different window (Macintosh)
Supports Croft gateway - KIP (Macintosh)
Capture text to a file (PC)
Full color support (PC)

How to obtain:
1) From a friend

The disk, documentation and files may be copied freely and distributed in
binary form, unmodified, with copyright notices intact.  This distribution
is free and no copies may be sold for profit.

2) Anonymous FTP from   uxc.cso.uiuc.edu   in the NCSA subdirectory.

The PC version is a tar file which contain binary files.  There is also a
compressed tar file with the same contents.  After the files are extracted
from the tar file, some binary transfer (e.g. kermit, NCSA Telnet) should
be used to download the files to the PC.  The documentation is in line
printer format.

The Macintosh version is in the NCSA/Mac subdirectory and consists of
several files encoded with BinHex 4.0 and/or Pack-It.  You may want to
consult the READ.ME file to determine which files to download.  Download
them with a binary transfer method (kermit, NCSA Telnet) and use BinHex
4.0 and/or Pack-It to extract the files.  The documentation is in
Microsoft Word 3.0 format.  

3) Diskette

On-disk copies, with a printed manual are available for $20 each, which
covers materials, handling and postage.  Orders can only be accepted if
accompanied by a check made out to the University of Illinois.  Send to:

NCSA Telnet orders (specify PC or Macintosh version)
152 Computing Applications Building
605 E. Springfield Ave.
Champaign, IL 61820

Hardware required:
PC: IBM PC,XT, AT or compatible. 3COM 3C501 Etherlink board.
	IBM RT PC Baseband adapter support soon.
	Ungermann-Bass NIC board support soon.
	MICOM NI5210 Ethernet board support soon.

Mac: Macintosh 512K, Plus, SE or Macintosh II.  
	Kinetics, Inc. FastPath, EtherSC or Etherport SE.
	Kinetics gateway software or Stanford KIP (Croft) gateway software.
	Support soon for Apple EtherTalk board and software for the Macintosh II.

The best source of information about Kinetics is directly from the company.
Kinetics Inc.                     FastPath approx. $2500
Suite 110                         EtherSC approx. $1250
2500 Camino Diablo                EtherPort SE approx. $800
Walnut Creek, CA  94596
(415) 947-0998

Mailing List:
Mail to telnet-request@ncsa.uiuc.edu to be added to the list of recipients.
To post messages to the list, mail to telnet@ncsa.uiuc.edu.
If your mailer cannot resolve ncsa.uiuc.edu, route mail through 
uxc.cso.uiuc.edu, also known as uiucuxc.arpa.

Other questions:
mail to telbug@ncsa.uiuc.edu (alternate: telbug%ncsa@uxc.cso.uiuc.edu)

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