[comp.protocols.appletalk] IP specification

saf@CITI.UMICH.EDU (10/06/87)



The UDP driver layer, one of the CITI MacIP drivers, implements the User Datagram 
Protocol [RFC 768].  This document describes the interface to UDP.


The reader should be familiar with the common C derived types, such as those described in 
<sys/types.h>, <sys/time.h>, MPW C, and Inside Macintosh.

Clients are given the option of writing data from a character array or from a Write Data 
Structure (WDS).  The WDS is a "gather write" structure.  It specifies a list and ordering of  
buffers to write in a single operation.

Within the WDS, wds_index is an index into an array of buffer descriptors, pointing to the 
first buffer to write.  UDP clients must pass wds_index as 3 or more, and allocate the 
corresponding buffer descriptors.  The first three buffer descriptors will be used by lower 
level protocols for protocol headers.  Terminate the buffer descriptor array with a descriptor 
specifying length zero.

	typedef struct bd {	/* Buffer descriptor */
		unsigned short	bl;		/* Buffer length */
		Ptr				bp;		/* Buffer pointer */
	} bd_t, *bd_p;

	typedef struct wds {	/* Write data structure */
		unsigned long	wds_index;		/* Current descriptor index */
		bd_t 			wds_buffer[];	/* List of descriptors */
	} wds_t, *wds_p;

The following is a sample WDS.  wds_index is 3, so the first buffer descriptor is 
wds_buffer[3].  Descriptors wds_buffer[0], wds_buffer[1], and wds_buffer[2] 
will be used for lower layer protocol headers.  DATA LEN and DATA PTR are the length 
of and a pointer to the client's buffer.  This example shows the minimal WDS for UDP 

		|            3          |	wds_index (long)
		|                       |	buffer length #0 (word)
		|                       |	buffer pointer #0 (pointer)
		|                       |	buffer length #1 (word)
		|                       |	buffer pointer #1 (pointer)
		|                       |	buffer length #2 (word)
		|                       |	buffer pointer #2 (pointer)
		|        DATA LEN       |	buffer length #3 (word)
		|        DATA PTR       |	buffer pointer #3 (pointer)
		|           0           |	buffer length #4 (word)
		|         UNUSED        |	buffer pointer #4 (pointer)

Version information on the UDP driver is returned in the following 

	typedef struct udp_version {
		unsigned char	version[32];	/* Version number */
		unsigned char	specdesc[32];	/* Specification description */
		unsigned char	site[32];		/* Originating site */
	} udp_version_t, *udp_version_p;

If UDP is configured to collect statistics, that information is returned in the following 
structure (NOTE: this structure is not finalized!):

	typedef struct udp_stats {		/* Not yet defined */
		} udp_stats_t, *udp_stats_p;


The following functions provide a program interface to the UDP driver layer.  Each 
function returns success (0) or an error code.  Error code identifiers are defined in 
net_errno.h.  The return type for all functions is long.

UDP may notify clients of asynchronous events by executing a client-supplied notification 
routine.  Execution of the notification routine is called delivery of notification.  Clients are 
notified of an event if and only if they have specifically requested notification of that event.  
Clients request  and cancel notification of events by setting a mask and passing it to 
udp_request and udp_cancel, respectively.

Some functions accept io_timeout as a parameter.  For these routines, if io_timeout is 
NULL, the function blocks forever, or until the call can be completed.  If io_timeout is 
not NULL, the function blocks until the timeout value expires or the call can be completed.  
Implementation-dependent restrictions may apply as to when a client can block.  If it is 
illegal for a call to block, the error E_CANTBLOCK is returned.

Some functions accept (and in certain cases return) io_flags as a parameter.  io_flags is 
a long-word bitmask of control flags.  A list of all flags is given in "UDPJCONSTANTS."

Right and left arrows indicate values passed to and from the driver functions, respectively.

udp_create (io_stream, io_lport)
	<-	Ptr				*io_stream	UDP stream descriptor
	->	unsigned short	io_lport	Local UDP port

udp_create creates a UDP stream.  If io_lport is non-zero, the local port is set in 
io_stream, otherwise, a subsequent call to udp_setport must set the local port.  Once the 
local port is set, the stream can be used to send and receive datagrams.

Errors returned are:

udp_delete (io_stream)
	->	Ptr	io_stream	UDP stream descriptor

udp_delete deletes  a UDP stream.  Outstanding datagram buffers are deallocated and 
pending events are flushed.

Errors returned are:

udp_setport (io_stream, io_lport)
	->	Ptr				io_stream	UDP stream descriptor
	->	unsigned short	*io_lport	Local UDP port

udp_setport sets the port for a UDP stream.  The UDP driver retains the binding of a 
stream to a port, so that incoming datagrams can be delivered to the proper stream and 
outbound datagrams show the correct address.  If io_lport is zero, the driver will assign 
an unused port.

Errors returned are:

udp_request (io_stream, io_nclass, io_notify, io_userdata, io_flags)
	->	Ptr				io_stream	UDP stream descriptor
	->	unsigned long	io_nclass	Set of events to notify on
	->	ProcPtr			io_notify	Notification routine
	->	unsigned long	io_userdata	Passed to notification routine
	->	unsigned long	io_flags	Control flags

udp_request sets up notification for a stream.  io_notify is a pointer to the client's 
notification routine.  io_userdata is passed to the client's notification routine.

io_nclass is the bitwise or of the notification identifiers to notify on.  So that clients may 
request to add to current notifications, io_nclass is bitwise ored to the existing bits.  
Values for io_nclass are defined in the section "UDPJNOTIFICATION."  When a UDP 
stream is created, the default value for io_nclass is UDP_NT_NONE (i.e., no notification).

Special behavior can be specified with io_flags.  The following flags are defined:

UDP_FLAG_NEWNOTIFY	io_notify should replace the previous io_notify.  Clients 
					may disable notification by passing NULL for io_notify 
					and setting this flag.  Notification may be re-enabled later by 
					setting IP_FLAG_NEWNOTIFY and io_notify .

UDP_FLAG_NEWUDATA	io_userdata should replace the previous io_userdata.

Errors returned are:

udp_cancel (io_stream, io_nclass)
	->	Ptr				io_stream	UDP stream descriptor
	->	unsigned long	io_nclass	Events not to notify on

udp_cancel subtracts from the set of events for which the client accepts notification.  
io_nclass is the bitwise or of the notification identifiers to subtract, specified in 

Errors returned are:
udp_alloc (io_stream, io_buffer, io_buflen)
	->	Ptr				io_stream	UDP stream descriptor
	<-	Ptr				*io_buffer	Pointer to a datagram buffer
	->	unsigned long	io_buflen	Requested buffer length

udp_alloc allocates a UDP buffer, returning io_buffer, a pointer to a datagram buffer .

Errors returned are:

udp_free (io_stream, io_buffer)
	->	Ptr	io_stream	UDP stream descriptor
	->	Ptr	io_buffer	Pointer to a datagram buffer

udp_free frees a UDP datagram buffer.  io_buffer must point to a datagram buffer 
allocated by udp_alloc or udp_get.

Errors returned are:

udp_put (io_stream, io_buffer, io_buflen, io_fhost, io_fport, io_flags)
	->	Ptr				io_stream	UDP stream descriptor
	->	Ptr				io_buffer	Output buffer
	->	unsigned long	io_buflen	Buffer length (bytes)
	->	unsigned long	io_fhost	Destination host
	->	unsigned short	io_fport	UDP port on io_fhost
	->	unsigned long	io_flags	Control flags

udp_put sends a datagram on the stream specified by io_stream.  io_buffer is a 
datagram buffer.  If the flag UDP_FLAG_USEWDS is not set (see below), clients must allocate 
io_buffer by calling udp_alloc and free them by calling udp_free.

Before calling udp_put, the client must bind io_lport, either in udp_create or 
udp_setport.  The destination host and port, passed in io_fhost and io_fport, 
respectively, must be non-zero. 

Special behavior can be specified with io_flags.  The following flags are defined:

UDP_FLAG_MAKESUM	If set, a UDP checksum will be computed and included in 
					the UDP header of the outgoing datagram, otherwise the 
					checksum will be set to zero.

UDP_FLAG_USEWDS		If set, io_buffer is a pointer into a client-allocated WDS 
					(i.e., type wds_p).  The client must allocate the structure, 
					leaving room for lower layer protocol headers, as specified 
					in the section "UDPJDATAJSTRUCTURES."

					Note that if UDP_FLAG_USEWDS is set,  datagram buffers need 
					not be allocated and freed with udp_alloc and udp_free.  
					Also, io_buflen is ignored.

Errors returned are:

udp_get (io_stream, io_buffer, io_buflen, io_fhost, io_lhost io_fport, 	
		   io_lhost, io_timeout, io_flags)
	->	Ptr				io_stream	UDP stream descriptor
	<-	Ptr				*io_buffer	Input buffer
	<>	unsigned long	io_buflen	Input buffer length (bytes)
	<-	unsigned long	*io_fhost	Foreign host
	<-	unsigned short	*io_fport	UDP port on io_fhost
	<-	unsigned long	*io_lhost	Local host
	<-	unsigned short	*io_lport	UDP port on io_lhost
	->	struct timeval	*io_timeout	Timeout value
	<>	unsigned long	*io_flags	Control flags

udp_get requests a buffer from a UDP stream.  Note that io_buffer is allocated by the 
driver, but should be freed by the client (see udp_free).

If io_timeout is NULL, udp_get blocks until a datagram arrives.  If io_timeout is not 
NULL and a datagram is not available within the timeout period, udp_get returns an error.

Before calling udp_get, the client must bind io_lport, either in udp_create or 

For the parameters io_fhost, io_fport, io_lhost, io_lport, and io_flags, the client 
may pass NULL if it does not need the returned values.

No values are currently defined for io_flags.

Errors returned are:
udp_control (io_stream, io_buffer, io_buflen, io_control)
	->	Ptr				io_stream	UDP stream descriptor
	<>	Ptr				io_buffer	Data used by control call
	<>	unsigned long	*io_buflen	Size of io_buffer (bytes)
	->	unsigned long	io_control	Specifies control operation

udp_control performs various operations for a UDP stream.  io_control selects an 
operation and is the only mandatory parameter.  Parameters that are not required by 
individual control operations may be passed as NULL.

General errors returned by udp_control are:

Currently defined control operations are:

		->	io_stream	UDP stream descriptor
		<>	io_buffer	Pointer to udp_version_t structure
		->	io_control	Control operation

	Returns version information.  Clients pass a pointer to a structure of type 
	udp_version_t, as defined in the section "UDPJDATAJSTRUCTURES."

	No specific errors are returned for this control.

		->	io_stream	UDP stream descriptor
		<>	io_buffer	Pointer to udp_stats_t structure
		->	io_control	Control operation

	No specific errors are returned for this control.

		->	io_stream	UDP stream descriptor
		->	io_control	Control operation

	This stream should never be deallocated by the system.

	No specific errors are returned for this control.

udp_task ()

Clients should call udp_task periodically to allow UDP time for asynchronous 
processing (e.g., to process incoming datagrams).

Errors returned are:


Clients may request and cancel notification of asynchronous events by calling 
udp_request and udp_cancel, respectively.  As asynchronous events occur, the 
notification routine io_notify is called with the following parameters:

(*io_notify)(io_stream, io_buffer, io_buflen, io_fhost, io_fport, 
			 io_lhost, io_lport, io_nclass, io_ndata, io_userdata)
	->	Ptr				io_stream
	->	Ptr				io_buffer
	->	unsigned long	io_buflen
	->	unsigned long	io_fhost
	->	unsigned short	io_fport
	->	unsigned long	io_lhost
	->	unsigned short	io_lport
	->	unsigned long	io_nclass
	->	unsigned long	io_ndata
	->	unsigned long	io_userdata

io_nclass is the type of event that caused this notification.  io_userdata was passed to 
udp_request by the client.  io_ndata contains additional specification for the event.

The following describes the valid notification classes (io_nclass):

	UDP_NT_DATA:  Data Arrival Notification
		->	io_stream
		->	io_fhost
		->	io_fport
		->	io_lhost
		->	io_lport
		->	io_nclass
		->	io_userdata

	Data arrival notification is delivered when a datagram arrives on io_stream, from 
	io_fport on io_fhost.

	UDP_NT_ERROR  Error Notification
		->	io_stream
		->	io_buffer
		->	io_buflen
		->	io_fhost
		->	io_fport
		->	io_lhost
		->	io_lport
		->	io_nclass
		->	io_ndata
		->	io_userdata

	The client is notified when an asynchronous error occurs, (e.g., destination unreachable 
	messages).  io_ndata identifies the error.  For all errors, an ICMP destination unreachable 
	datagram is returned in io_buffer.  io_buflen is the length of that datagram.  For more 
	information on ICMP, refer to [RFCJ792].

	Errors delivered are:


Following is a description of all possible error codes returned by UDP:

		Not enough memory to perform operation.
		Port number is already in use by another client.
		Stream descriptor was not found in this driver's list of streams.
		Invalid notification class.
		Invalid control flag bit is set in io_flags.
		Invalid control identifier.
		Invalid pointer; could not verify that pointer points to valid data.
		Invalid WDS structure or pointer.
		Datagram is too long to be handled by this driver.
		Unable to determine the next destination IP address that leads 	to the 
		requested destination IP address.
		Hardware failed in writing datagram to network.
		Current context does not allow a blocking call.
		Could not perform operation within requested timeout period.

saf@CITI.UMICH.EDU (10/23/87)

Final Draft

MacIP project
University of Michigan, CITI
2901 Hubbard
Ann Arbor, MI 48103



The IP driver layer, one of the CITI MacIP drivers, implements the Internet 
Protocol [RFC 791].  This document describes the interface to IP.


The reader should be familiar with the common C derived types, such as those 
described in <sys/types.h>, <sys/time.h>, MPW C, and Inside 

Clients are given the option of writing data from a character array or from a 
Write Data Structure (WDS).  The WDS is a "gather write" structure.  It 
specifies a list and ordering of  buffers to write in a single operation.

Within the WDS, wds_index is an index into an array of buffer descriptors, 
pointing to the first buffer to write.  IP clients must pass wds_index as 2 or 
more, and allocate the corresponding buffer descriptors.  The first two buffer 
descriptors will be used by lower level protocols for protocol headers.  
Terminate the buffer descriptor array with a descriptor specifying length zero.

	typedef struct bd {	/* Buffer descriptor */
		unsigned short	bl;	/* Buffer length */
		Ptr				bp;	/* Buffer pointer */
	} bd_t, *bd_p;

	typedef struct wds {	/* Write data structure */
		unsigned long	wds_index;		/* Descriptor index */
		bd_t 			wds_buffer[];	/* List of descriptors */
	} wds_t, *wds_p;

The following is a sample WDS.  wds_index is 2, so the first buffer 
descriptor is wds_buffer[2].  Descriptors wds_buffer[0] and 
wds_buffer[1] will be used for lower layer protocol headers.  DATA LEN 
and DATA PTR are the length of and a pointer to the client's buffer.  This 
example shows the minimal WDS for IP clients.

		|            2          |	wds_index (long)
		|                       |	buffer length #0 (word)
		|                       |	buffer pointer #0 (pointer)
		|                       |	buffer length #1 (word)
		|                       |	buffer pointer #1 (pointer)
		|        DATA LEN       |	buffer length #2 (word)
		|        DATA PTR       |	buffer pointer #2 (pointer)
		|           0           |	buffer length #3 (word)
		|         UNUSED        |	buffer pointer #3 (pointer)

All IP datagrams are described by an IP header [RFC 791], described below :

	typedef struct ip_header {
		unsigned char	ip_ver:4;
		unsigned char	ip_ihl:4;
		unsigned char	ip_tsrv;
		unsigned short	ip_len;
		unsigned short	ip_id;
		unsigned short	ip_flgs:3;
		unsigned short	ip_foff:13;
		unsigned char	ip_time;
		unsigned char	ip_prot;
		unsigned short	ip_chksum;
		unsigned long	ip_src;
		unsigned long	ip_dst
		unsigned long	ip_options;
	} ip_header_t, *ip_header_p;

IP can  return a list of all active local IP addresses.  The list is a zero-
terminated array of the following structure:

	typedef struct ip_addr {
		unsigned long	addr;	/* IP address */
		unsigned long	mask;	/* Net mask for addr */
	} ip_addr_t, *ip_addr_p;

Information on maximum segment size is handled with the following structure:

	typedef struct ip_mss {
		unsigned long	addr;	/* IP address */
		unsigned long	ob_maxpaksz;	/* Max outbound IP 	
										   packet, assuming no 
										   IP options */
		unsigned long	ib_maxpaksz;	/* Max inbound packet */
		unsigned long	maxfragsz;		/* Maximum fragment size 
										   on network, assuming 
										   no IP options */
	} ip_mss_t, *ip_mss_p;

Version information on the IP driver is returned in the following structure:

	typedef struct ip_version {
		unsigned char	version[32];	/* Version number */
		unsigned char	specdesc[32];	/* Spec description */
		unsigned char	site[32];		/* Originating site */
	} ip_version_t, *ip_version_p;

If IP is configured to collect statistics, that information is returned in the 
following structure (NOTE: this structure is not finalized!):

	typedef struct ip_stats {
		short	st_drop;	/* # dropped */
		short	st_xsum;	/* # with bad cksum */
		short	st_len;		/* # with bad lengths */
		short	st_dest;	/* # bad io_fhost*/
		short	st_ttl;		/* # 0 time to live */
		short	st_prot;	/* # protocol unavailable */
		short	st_ver;		/* Bad ip version number */
		short	st_snd;		/* # of ip datagrams sent */
		short	st_rcv;		/* # of datagrams received */
		short	st_frag;	/* # of fragments received */
		short	st_multi;	/* # times >1 packet in Q */
		short	st_retry;	/* # of retransmissions */
		short	st_retry_fail;/* Number of retry failures */ 
	} ip_stats_t, *ip_stats_p;


The following functions provide a program interface to the IP driver layer.  
Each function returns success (0) or an error code.  Error code identifiers are 
defined in net_errno.h.  The return type for all functions is long.

IP may notify clients of asynchronous events by executing a client-supplied 
notification routine.  Execution of the notification routine is called delivery of 
notification.  Clients are notified of an event if and only if they have 
specifically requested notification of that event.  Clients request  and cancel 
notification of events by setting a mask and passing it to ip_request and 
ip_cancel, respectively.

Some functions accept io_timeout as a parameter.  For these routines, if 
io_timeout is NULL, the function blocks forever, or until the call can be 
completed.  If io_timeout is not NULL, the function blocks until the timeout 
value expires or the call can be completed.  Implementation-dependent 
restrictions may apply as to when a client can block.  If it is illegal for a call to 
block, the error E_CANTBLOCK is returned.

Some functions accept (and in certain cases return) io_flags as a parameter.  
io_flags is a long-word bitmask of control flags.  A list of all flags is given 

Right and left arrows indicate values passed to and from the driver functions, 

ip_create (io_stream, io_prot)
	<-	Ptr				*io_stream	IP stream descriptor	
	->	unsigned short	io_prot		Internet protocol number

ip_create creates an IP stream.  On success, ip_create prepares 
io_stream, which carries the private, protocol-specific description of the 
stream.  io_prot is a protocol number as defined in [RFC 997].

Errors returned are:

ip_delete (io_stream)
	->	Ptr				io_stream	IP stream descriptor

ip_delete destroys an IP stream.  Outstanding datagram buffers are freed and 
pending events are flushed.

Errors returned are:

ip_request (io_stream, io_nclass, io_notify, io_userdata, 	
	->	Ptr				io_stream	IP stream descriptor
	->	unsigned long	io_nclass	Set of events to notify on
	->	ProcPtr			io_notify	Notification routine
	->	unsigned long	io_userdata	Passed to notification routine
	->	unsigned long	io_flags	Control flags

ip_request sets up notification for a stream.  io_notify is a pointer to the 
client's notification routine.  io_userdata is passed to the client's notification 

io_nclass is the bitwise or of the notification identifiers to notify on.  So that 
clients may request to add to current notifications, io_nclass is bitwise-ored 
to the existing bits.  Values for io_nclass are defined in the section 
"IP NOTIFICATION."  When an IP stream is created, the default value for 
io_nclass is IP_NT_NONE (i.e., no notification).

Special behavior can be specified with io_flags.  The following flags are 

IP_FLAG_NEWNOTIFY	io_notify should replace the previous 
					io_notify.  Clients may disable notification by 
					passing NULL for io_notify and setting this 
					flag.  Notification may be re-enabled later by 
					setting IP_FLAG_NEWNOTIFY and io_notify .

IP_FLAG_NEWUDATA	io_userdata should replace the previous 

Errors returned are:

ip_cancel (io_stream, io_nclass)
	->	Ptr				io_stream	IP stream descriptor
	->	unsigned long	io_nclass	Events not to notify on

ip_cancel subtracts from the set of events for which the client accepts 
notification.  io_nclass is the bitwise or of the notification identifiers to 
subtract, specified under "IP NOTIFICATION."

Errors returned are:

ip_alloc (io_stream, io_buffer, io_buflen)
	->	Ptr				io_stream	IP stream descriptor
	<-	Ptr				*io_buffer	Pointer to a datagram buffer
	->	unsigned long	io_buflen	Requested buffer length

ip_alloc allocates an IP datagram buffer of length io_buflen.

Errors returned are:

ip_free (io_stream, io_buffer)
	->	Ptr	io_stream	IP stream descriptor
	->	Ptr	io_buffer	Pointer to a datagram buffer

ip_free releases an IP datagram buffer.  io_buffer must point to a datagram 
buffer allocated by ip_alloc or ip_get.

Errors returned are:

ip_put (io_stream, io_buffer, io_buflen, io_fhost, io_lhost, 
		    io_options, io_optlen, io_flags)
	->	Ptr				io_stream	IP stream descriptor
	->	Ptr				io_buffer	Output buffer
	->	unsigned long	io_buflen	Buffer length (bytes)
	->	unsigned long	io_fhost	Destination host
	->	unsigned long	io_lhost	Local host
	->	Ptr				io_options	IP options
	->	unsigned long	io_optlen	Length of options (bytes)
	->	unsigned long	io_flags	Control flags

ip_put sends data to the address specified by io_fhost.  io_buffer and 
io_buflen specify the data to send.  If the flag IP_FLAG_USEWDS is not set 
(see below), clients must allocate io_buffer by calling ip_alloc and free 
them by calling ip_free.

If io_lhost is zero IP will route the packet and use the IP address of the 
selected interface as the source address.  If io_lhost is a valid IP address 
(one of the interfaces) IP will use io_lhost as the source address for the 
packet.  Routing will still be done as above.

io_options is a pointer to an array of ip_options, as specified in 
[RFC 791].  io_optlen specifies the length of the options, in bytes 
(maximum 44).  To specify no options, pass io_options as NULL.

Special behavior can be specified with io_flags.  The following flags are 

IP_FLAG_USEWDS	If set, io_buffer is a pointer into a client-
				allocated WDS (i.e., type wds_p).  The client 
				must allocate the structure, leaving room for 
				lower layer protocol headers, as specified in the 
				section "IP DATA STRUCTURES."

				Note that if IP_FLAG_USEWDS is set, datagram 
				buffers need not be allocated and freed with 
				ip_alloc and ip_free.  Also, io_buflen is 

Errors returned are:

ip_get (io_stream, io_buffer, io_buflen, io_fhost, io_lhost, 
		    io_iph, io_options, io_timeout, io_flags)
	->	Ptr				io_stream	IP stream descriptor
	<-	Pt			r	*io_buffer	Datagram from foreign host
	<>	unsigned long	*io_buflen	Length of datagram 
	<-	unsigned long	*io_fhost	Foreign host
	<-	unsigned long	*io_lhost	Local host
	<-	ip_header_p		*io_iph	Pointer to raw IP header
	<-	Ptr				io_options	IP options
	->	struct timeval	*io_timeout	Timeout value
	<>	unsigned long	*io_flags	Flags

ip_get requests a buffer from an IP stream.  Note that io_buffer is allocated 
by the driver, but should be freed by the client (see ip_free).

If io_timeout is NULL, ip_get blocks until a datagram arrives.  If 
io_timeout is not NULL and a datagram is not available within the timeout 
period, ip_get returns an error.

If io_iph is not NULL, a pointer is returned to the IP header for the datagram.  
However, after io_buffer is deallocated (with ip_free), *io_iph is no 
longer guaranteed to be valid.  io_options must either be a NULL pointer or 
be preallocated by the client.  If NULL, no options are returned.

For the parameters io_fhost, io_lhost, and io_flags, the client may pass 
NULL if it does not need the returned values.

No values are currently defined for io_flags.

Errors returned are:

ip_control (io_stream, io_buffer, io_buflen,io_control)
	->	Ptr				io_stream	IP stream descriptor
	<>	Ptr				io_buffer	Data used by control call
	<>	unsigned long	*io_buflen	Size of io_buffer (bytes)
	->	unsigned long	io_control	Specifies control operation

ip_control performs various operations for IP.  io_control selects an 
operation and is the only mandatory parameter.  Parameters that are not 
required by individual control operations may be passed as NULL.

General errors returned by ip_control are:

Currently defined control operations are:

		<>	io_buffer	Pointer to ip_version_t structure
		->	io_control	Control operation

Returns version information.  Clients pass a pointer to a 
preallocated structure of type ip_version_t, as defined in the 

No specific errors are returned for this control.

		<>	io_buffer	Pointer to ip_stats_t structure
		->	io_control	Control operation

Returns statistics for IP.  Clients pass a pointer to a preallocated 
structure of type ip_stats_t, as defined in the section 
"IP DATA STRUCTURES."  This is a preliminary version of the 
final structure, and is subject to change in the near future.

No specific errors are returned for this control.

		<>	io_buffer	Ptr to array of ip_addr_t structures
		->	*io_buflen	Size of array (bytes)
		->	io_control	Control operation

Returns a zero-terminated list of local IP addresses (net numbers 
and net masks).  Clients pass a pointer to a preallocated array of 
elements of type ip_addr_t, as defined in the section 

No specific errors are returned for this control.

		<>	io_buffer	Points to IP address
		->	io_control	Control operation

Returns, through io_buffer, the local IP address that leads to the 
foreign IP address specified at input.

Specific errors returned by this control are:

		<>	io_buffer	Pointer to ip_mss_t structure
		->	io_control	Control operation

Returns the maximum segment size for an IP address.  Clients pass 
a pointer to a preallocated structure of type ip_mss_t, as defined in 
the section "IP DATA STRUCTURES."  Clients should specify 
an IP address in the addr field of the ip_mss_t structure.  If it is 
local, IP will return maximum segment size information for the 
network interface on that local address.  If it is foreign, IP first 
determines the appropriate local IP address.

Specific errors returned by this control are:

ip_task ()

Clients should call ip_task periodically to allow IP time for asynchronous 
processing (e.g., to process incoming datagrams).

Errors returned are:


Clients may request and cancel notification of asynchronous events by calling 
ip_request and ip_cancel, respectively.  As asynchronous events occur, 
the notification routine io_notify is called with the following parameters:

(*io_notify) (io_stream, io_buffer, io_buflen, io_fhost, 	
			  io_lhost, io_prot, io_nclass, io_ndata, 	
	->	Ptr				io_stream
	->	Ptr				io_buffer
	->	unsigned long	io_buflen
	->	unsigned long	io_fhost
	->	unsigned long	io_lhost
	->	unsigned long	io_nclass
	->	unsigned long	io_ndata
	->	unsigned long	io_userdata

io_nclass is the type of event that caused this notification.  io_userdata 
was passed to ip_request by the client.  io_ndata contains additional 
specification for the event.

The following describes the valid notification classes (io_nclass):

IP_NT_DATA:  Data Arrival Notification
	->	io_stream
	->	io_fhost
	->	io_lhost
	->	io_nclass
	->	io_userdata

Data arrival notification is delivered when a datagram arrives from io_fhost 
on io_stream.

IP_NT_DELIVERY:  Data Delivery Notification
	->	io_stream
	->	io_buffer
	->	io_buflen
	->	io_fhost
	->	io_lhost
	->	io_nclass
	->	io_userdata

The client is notified of delivery of data from io_fhost on io_stream.  
io_buffer points to a datagram of length io_buflen.  This enables the client 
to immediately capture the data without calling ip_get.  The client is still 
responsible for calling ip_free when it no longer requires the delivered 

IP_NT_ERROR:  Error Notification
	->	io_stream
	->	io_buffer
	->	io_buflen
	->	io_fhost
	->	io_lhost
	->	io_nclass
	->	io_ndata
	->	io_userdata

The client is notified when an asynchronous error occurs, (e.g., destination 
unreachable messages).  io_ndata identifies the error.  For all errors, an 
ICMP destination unreachable datagram is returned in io_buffer.  
io_buflen is the length of that datagram.  For more information on ICMP, 
refer to [RFC 792].

Errors delivered are:


Following is a description of all possible error codes returned by IP:

		Not enough memory to perform operation.
		Protocol number is already in use by another client.
		Stream descriptor was not found in this driver's list of streams.
		Invalid notification class.
		Invalid control flag bit is set in io_flags.
		Invalid control identifier.
		Invalid pointer; could not verify that pointer points to valid data.
		Invalid WDS structure or pointer.
		Either destination IP address is invalid, or source IP address is 
		not on one of the interfaces.
		Datagram is too long to be handled by this driver.
		Unable to determine the next destination IP address that leads to 
		the requested destination IP address.
		Hardware failed in writing datagram to network.
		Current context does not allow a blocking call.