[comp.protocols.appletalk] Kbox help

BLASCO@ICNUCEVM.BITNET (A. Blasco Bonito) (03/02/88)


sorry to bother you once more, but I'm again in troubles with my FastPath.
Before describing the problems I'm having I would like to check whether
my general understandings about AppleTalk IP networking are right.
That's why I'm copying this message to the list.

1- Kinetics and KIP from info-mac uses the same hardware (Kinetics FastPath)
   and same PROM software but the downloaded software is different.
2- The main differences are about routing mechanisms:
   a) Kinetics can use two methods: Appletalk as a subnet of an already
      estabilished IP network (class A, B or C) or Appletalk as a distinct
      (class A, B or C (?)) network reachable via fixed routing.
      KIP manages Appletalk as a range of addresses into the address
      range of an already estabilished IP network (any class?). The
      range starts from the IP address assigned to the gateway.
   b) Kinetics computes the AppleTalk net number from the IP net number.
      KIP wants a Unix admin host which has the address mapping table.
   c) Kinetics has no way to dynamically assign IP addresses. It eventually
      leaves to the host the task of relying on the already existing Appletalk
      node number assignment mechanism and using the node number as the
      Ip host number.
      KIP has a way to dinamically assign IP addresses on request.
      The gateway (?) chooses an address in a predefined range and tries
      to maintain the node number - host number correspondence.
3) MAC/IP telnet uses the KIP method asking the gateway for an IP number
4) NCSA Telnet doesn't use the KIP method (BTW has it a name?). It can
   use either a fixed IP address or use the Appletalk node number as
   the IP host number.

Now let me describe the problem I'm having. Attached to this message you can
find some background information about my network environment (net map and
cofiguration files).

I finally received the latest (?) PROM from my local Kinetics dealer in
a package called "The FastPath Upgrade Kit". It included
-PROM release 3.0
-FastPath Manager v2.1
-new gateway code
-new AppleTalk utilities (Look and Echo)
I also received a Bulletin containing a suggested hardware mod called
"Noise Immunity Modification Procedure".

I installed the new PROM. I did not apply the hardware mod.
I was then able to "Find" the gateway. I loaded it with the at-gw.srec file
got from info-mac (sumex-aim) and the config file attached below.
I started the atalkad daemon on the KIP admin host called fdt (a Sun 3/50
running SunOs 3.2).
I succeded in pinging the gateway from fdt.
I then tried to run NCSA Telnet from a MacSE. I chose the IP address (in the "ipstatic" range). I tried to connect to fdt
I got the message "Couldn't connect to fdt".
I tried to run Mac/IP telnet. After a long time it said "A fatal error
happened! The program will die. Cannot obtain an IP address from server".
At that point I suspected that something was wrong with the configuration.
I tried to "Find" the gateway to RESET and reload it but...
 THE SAME OLD STORY HAPPENED. I wasn't any more able to "Find" it.
I tried the procedure "Power cycle, wait 5 seconds, Find" many times with
no result.
Ah, I can still ping the gateway from fdt.
What happened, what can I do now?

Thanks in advance. Ciao

----------                                                     ----------
A. Blasco Bonito                           Internet: Blasco@cnuce-vm.arpa
CNUCE - Istituto del CNR                   Earn/Bitnet:   Blasco@icnucevm
Reparto Reti e Sistemi Distribuiti         Tel: +39 (50) 593246
Via S. Maria, 36                           Telex: 500371 CNUCE I
56100 PISA   Italy                         Fax: +39 (50) 576571
----------                                                     ----------


                       CNUCE Network Configuration

        /  SATNET   \ __ /  A R P A N E T   Class A net
     .  \  2x64Kbps /    \  -------------
    .    Class A net      \
 /_\                    +-----------+       /
  |                     | IBM  3081 |--z__ /  E A R N - Bitnet
+---+                   |    FAL    |      \  ----------------
|PSP|                   |Mailgateway|       \            /
+---+          .39      +-----------+               /-z_/  ITAPAC - X.25
  |          +---------+      |    +--------------+/    \  -------------
+----+ 48Kbps|BBN      |   +----+  |  VAX 8200    |      \
|SIMP|---z___|Butterfly|   |DACU|  |VMS/Wollongong|  +----+   +------+   +----+
+----+       |Gateway  |   +----+  +--------------+  | PC |   |Apollo|   | PC |
             +---------+      |           |          +----+   | Unix |   +----+
Class C net      |            |           |            |      +------+     ||     |  .1        | .2        | .30        |         ||        ||
             | .9            |  .70          |   Yellow-Ether   Thin-Ether
         +-------+  +-----------------+      | .220
         | PC/AT |  |   SUN 3 - Unix  |  +--------+
         |  EGP  |  |   KIP admin     |  |Kinetics|
         +-------+  |   Name server   |  |gateway | +---------+     +---------+
Class C net  | .9   +-----------------+  +---_----+ |MacIntosh| ... |MacIntosh| O                               |      +----_----+     +----_----+
             x                               A___________A_______________A
          XXXXXXX                               AppleTalk
         X       X     +----+
        X         XxxO-| PC |
       X   Token   X   +----+
       X   Ring    X   +----+
        X         XxxO-| PC |
         X       X     +----+

/_\ Antenna
-z_ Phone line
#   Transceiver
< > 50-ohm terminators
#@  Ethernet Repeater
A   Appletalk Socket
O   Token-ring Socket


# Appletalk administration database table (atalkatab),
# read by appletalk admin daemon (atalkad).
# CNUCE Appletalk Configuration
# 18-Feb-88 by A. Blasco Bonito
55.193	N1	CNUCE	#cnuce-lan2 token-ring

55.192	N1	CNUCE	#cnuce-lan1 ethernet+appletalk
56.1	KC	CNUCE	#kbox P.1 tramontana
	I192.12.192.255	#ipbroad ipname
	I192.12.192.70	L0		#ipdebug ipfile
	L0 L0 L0 L0	S0 S0		#ipother unused unused
	LX0		S2	S8	#flags ipstatic ipdynamic
	S56.1	S55.192	"CNUCE"		#atneta atnete zonea

* Config file for KFPS, KIP version, 10/86.
* These bytes are ignored but must be left as placeholders:
0000 0000 FF FF FF 00 000000 000000
* Gateway name ("eth-at-gw")
* File name ("eth-at-gw.srec"):
* reserved (this field should be 00FF):
* Start of 'mandatory' parameters, the minimum information that
* must be supplied for the gateway to begin operation.
* IP address of myself, 'ipaddr'
* IP addr of admin host
* IP addr of default route (nearest 'real' gateway)
* ethernet hardware addr of KFPS;
* 080089 is the Kinetics manufacturer code,
* remaining bytes are the serial number of your box.
080089 D01378
* next value is a flag, if it is '1234' the remainder
* of this file is considered valid;  any other value means
* that the remaining parameters will be obtained from atalkad.
