[comp.protocols.appletalk] Gateways for Kinetics FastPath

voh@doc.ic.ac.uk (Vincent O Ho) (05/18/88)

Hello to everyone.  I am a fairly new reader to this newsgroup.  I hope this
is the right place to raise the following question(s).

Here at doc.ic.ac.uk, we recently bought and installed two KFPS's to link a
couple of our appletalks to the departmental ethernet.  We have no fewer than 7
different gateway programs in our collection.  By trial and error we have now
found one gw program (at-gw.srec) that works with Stanford's atalkad and CAP.
We have CAP installed, running on a Unix host and talking 'to' the FastPath.
I would appreciate if some kind soul could explain what the different gateway
programs do, and when one should use them.  The following is a list of the gw
programs :

AT-gw.srec	51150 (50K) bytes	Nov 11, '86
UDP.srec	36556 (36K)   "		Nov 11, '86
epeek.srec	21811 (21.5K) "		May 29, '87	V.A0X8
at-gw.srec	77864 (76.5K) "		Jun  5, '87
combgw.srec	69161 (68K)   "		Jul  9, '87	V.C0X9
etalkgw.srec	71186 (70K)   "		Nov 12, '87
gw.srec		83118 (81.5K) "		Dec 14, '87

We have PROMPT and FastPath Manager (v2.0 & v2.1).  We implement subnetting
on our ethernet (Internet Class-B network).  IP addresses for the Macintoshes
on the appletalks are assigned dynamically.

Thanking you all in advance.

Vincent O. Ho                                  Department of Computing
Communications Support Programmer              Imperial College
                                               180 Queen's Gate
Janet: voh@uk.ac.ic.doc                        London SW7 2BZ
DARPA: voh%doc.ic.ac.uk                        England
Uucp:  voh@icdoc.UUCP, ukc!icdoc!voh           Tel:(UK)-01-589-5111 x-5052