[comp.protocols.appletalk] NetSerial & Trailblazer?

t-jacobs@utah-cs.UUCP (Tony Jacobs) (08/26/88)

Does anyone know if you can connect a Trailblazer modem to Appletalk network
via a Shiva NetSerial box?  Or can someone suggest a good way to do so and
get full performance from the Trailblazer?

Thanks in advance.

Tony Jacobs * Center for Engineering Design * U of U * t-jacobs@ced.utah.edu

alexis@dasys1.UUCP (Alexis Rosen) (08/31/88)

In article <5679@utah-cs.UUCP> t-jacobs@utah-cs.UUCP (Tony Jacobs) writes:
>Does anyone know if you can connect a Trailblazer modem to Appletalk network
>via a Shiva NetSerial box?  Or can someone suggest a good way to do so and
>get full performance from the Trailblazer?
>Thanks in advance.
>Tony Jacobs * Center for Engineering Design * U of U * t-jacobs@ced.utah.edu

Yes, this will work. However, the results might disappoint you. The problem
is that the trailblazers, while very fast, are half-duplex. This means that
you'll get killed on the turnaround every time you get an ack packet going
in the wrong direction. Some software will make up partially for this
problem, such as the new TOPS (not yet released). Also, the Telebit people
are constantly working to reduce the turnaround, so things may improve. For
now though, it's a better bet to get Hayes V-series 9600's (faster turnaround)
or best of all, a true V.32 full-dup modem (such as concorde or UDS).

Sadly, one of my more favorite modems, the USR HST, is pretty bad under this

If you want more details, the Shiva people will be glad to provide more

Alexis Rosen                       {allegra,philabs,cmcl2}!phri\
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