[comp.protocols.appletalk] New and improved macbroadcast

Bowman@SCIENCE.UTAH.EDU (Pieter) (12/03/88)

    I saw the message containing macbroadcast and couldn't resist
playing with it.  Well, it took a little looking at the code to
figure out what it was I needed to type on the command line to
make it do things.  I wasn't satisfied with it the way it was so
here is the result of a few hours work.  I know there is more that
could be done (needs doing?).

    Most of this is straight forward, but can anybody tell me what
the "icon" field in the BroadcastPacket is?

    Well, have fun all.


 * macbroadcast.c -- idea:  send a broadcast to mac whenever I receive
 * mail.
 * eventually, send the mail.

 * loosely based on atlook.c which is included in cap50 distribution.
 * by Patrick Beard
 * Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory
 * Edit History:
 *  1988	Beard		Created.
 *  2 Dec 88	bowman		Cleaned up and reworked.
 * Beard is beard@ux1.lbl.gov (Patrick C Beard)
 * bowman is bowman@science.utah.edu (Pieter Bowman)

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>         	/* so htons() works for non-vax */
#include <netat/appletalk.h>        /* include appletalk definitions */

typedef struct BroadcastPacket {	/* what the mac wants to see */
	char message[256];
	long icon[4];
} BroadcastPacket;

BroadcastPacket bcPacket;
ABusRecord abRecord;

/* routines from atlook.
 * atlook - UNIX AppleTalk test program: lookup entities
 * with "ATLOOKLWS" defined, will also get pap status and confirm address.
 * with "ATPINGER" defined will "ping" remote with "echo request"
 * AppleTalk package for UNIX (4.2 BSD).
 * Copyright (c) 1986, 1987 by The Trustees of Columbia University in the
 * City of New York.
 * Edit History:
 *  June 13, 1986    Schilit	Created.
 *  Dec  23, 1986    Schilit	Sort result, display in columns, clean up.
 *				add usage and options.
 *  Mar  16, 1987    CCKim	Clean up some more, merge with looks and pinger

#define NUMNBPENTRY 100			/* max names we can lookup */

/* vars */
char *deftype = "Broadcast";		/* default entity type */

int nbpretry = 3;		/* 3 retries */
int nbptimeout = 3;		/* 3/4 second by default */

char *s;
  fprintf(stderr,"usage: %s [-d FLAGS] [-t <n>] [-r <n>] \
<name to send to> <message to send>\n",s);
  fprintf(stderr,"\t <name to send to> is a registered Broadcast name.\n");
  fprintf(stderr,"\t                   eg. \"bowman:@Mathematics\"\n");
  fprintf(stderr,"\t                   The zone name may be a name or\n");
  fprintf(stderr,"\t                   either \"*\" (my zone) or \"=\"\n");
  fprintf(stderr,"\t                   all zones.\n");
  fprintf(stderr,"\t <message to send> text you want to send.\n");
  fprintf(stderr,"\t -r <n> - specifies number of retries (>=0)\n");
  fprintf(stderr,"\t -t <n> - timeout between retries\n");
  fprintf(stderr,"\t -d FLAGS - cap library debugging flags\n");
  fprintf(stderr,"\tTimeouts are in ticks (1/4 units)\n");

char *s;
  int r;
  if (*s == '\0')
  r = atoi(s);
  if (r == 0 && *s != '0')

int n;
  int t = n % 4;		/* ticks */
  int s = n / 4;		/* seconds */
  int m = s / 60;		/* minutes */

  if (m != 0) {
    if (m >= 60)		/* an hour??????? */
      printf(" (are you crazy?)");
    printf(" %d %s", m, m > 1 ? "minutes" : "minute");
    s %= 60;			/* reset seconds to remainder */
  if (s)			/* print seconds if any */
    printf(" %d",s);
  if (t) {			/* print ticks */
    if (s)
      printf(" and");
    if (t == 2) 
      printf(" one half");
      printf(" %d fourths",t);
  if (s || t)
    printf(" second");
  if (s > 1 || (t && s))

int argc;
char **argv;
  char *whoami = argv[0];
  extern char *optarg;
  extern int optind;
  int c;

  while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "d:D:r:t:")) != EOF) {
    switch (c) {
    case 'd':
    case 'D':
      dbugarg(optarg);		/* some debug flags */
    case 'r':
      nbpretry = getnum(optarg);
      if (nbpretry <= 0)
      printf("Number of NBP retries %d\n",nbpretry);
    case 't':
      nbptimeout = getnum(optarg);
      if (nbptimeout < 0)
      printf("NBP Timeout");
    case '?':

my_create_entity(s, en)
char *s;
EntityName *en;
  create_entity(s, en);	/* must be fully specified name */
  if (*en->objStr.s == '\0')
    en->objStr.s[0] = '=';
  if (*en->typeStr.s == '\0')
    strcpy(en->typeStr.s, deftype); /*  to lookup... */
  if (*en->zoneStr.s == '\0')
    en->zoneStr.s[0] = '*';

#define NUMZONES 100

void zone_dolookup(enp, message)
  EntityName *enp;			/* network entity name */
  char *message;
  char *zones[NUMZONES];	/* room for pointers to zone names */
  OSErr err;
  int i, cnt;
  EntityName en;
  char user[L_cuserid];		/* who is sending the packet */
  char host[MAXHOSTNAMELEN];	/* where sent from */
  char from[L_cuserid+1+MAXHOSTNAMELEN];
  char *tptr;

  (void)cuserid(user);		/* Return the sending user's name */
  if (gethostname(host, sizeof(host))) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Unable to get host name\n");
  if ((tptr = strchr(host, '.')) != NULL) /* Truncate host name */
    *tptr = '\0';

  strcpy(from, user);		/* Build from string foo@bar */
  strcat(from, "@");
  strcat(from, host);

  /* get message to send */
  strcpy(bcPacket.message+1, message, sizeof(bcPacket.message) - strlen(from) - 3);
  strcat(bcPacket.message+1, "\321");/* delimiting character 0xd1 */
  strcat(bcPacket.message+1, from);
  bcPacket.message[0] = strlen(bcPacket.message+1);

  if (strcmp(enp->zoneStr.s, "=") == 0) {
    if ((err = GetZoneList(zones, NUMZONES, &cnt)) != noErr) {
      fprintf(stderr, "error %d getting zone list\n", err);
    for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
      strcpy(en.objStr.s, enp->objStr.s);
      strcpy(en.typeStr.s, enp->typeStr.s);
      strcpy(en.zoneStr.s, zones[i]);
      dolookup(&en, message);
  } else {
    dolookup(enp, message);

int argc;
char **argv;
  int i;
  EntityName en;			/* network entity name */

  abInit(TRUE);				/* initialize appletalk driver */
  nbpInit();				/* initialize nbp */
  checksum_error(FALSE);		/* ignore these errors */

  i = doargs(argc,argv);		/* handle arguments */

  if (i+2 > argc) {
  } else {
    my_create_entity(argv[i], &en);
    zone_dolookup(&en, argv[i+1]);

EntityName *en;			/* network entity name */
char *message;
  int err,i, len;
  AddrBlock addr;		/* Address of entity */
  NBPTEntry nbpt[NUMNBPENTRY];	/* table of entity names */
  nbpProto nbpr;		/* nbp protocol record */
  char name[sizeof(EntityName)*4*3+3];	/* for formatted entity name */
				/* 3 entries, of size entity name */
				/* each char can be up to 4 in length */
				/* +3 for :@ and null */
  char zone_name[sizeof(EntityName)*4];
  char *calloc();

  /* allocate memory for the BDS */
  myBDS.buffSize = 384;
  if ((myBDS.buffPtr = calloc(1, 384)) == NULL) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Error allocating BDS buffer\n");

  dumptostr(zone_name, en->zoneStr.s); /* save the zone name for later */

  nbpr.nbpRetransmitInfo.retransInterval = nbptimeout;
  nbpr.nbpRetransmitInfo.retransCount = nbpretry;
  nbpr.nbpBufPtr = nbpt;		/* place to store entries */
  nbpr.nbpBufSize = sizeof(nbpt);	/* size of above */
  nbpr.nbpDataField = NUMNBPENTRY;	/* max entries */
  nbpr.nbpEntityPtr = en;		/* look this entity up */

  if (dbug.db_flgs) {
    len = dumptostr(name, en->objStr.s);
    name[len++] = ':';
    len += dumptostr(name+len, en->typeStr.s);
    name[len++] = '@';
    dumptostr(name+len, en->zoneStr.s);
    printf("Looking for %s ...\n",name);

  /* Find all objects in specified zone */
  err = NBPLookup(&nbpr,FALSE);		/* try synchronous */
  if (err != noErr) {
    fprintf(stderr,"NBPLookup returned err %d\n",err);

  /* Extract, print and send the message(s) */
  for (i = 1; i <= nbpr.nbpDataField; i++) {
    len = dumptostr(name, en->objStr.s);
    name[len++] = ':';
    len += dumptostr(name+len, en->typeStr.s);
    name[len++] = '@';
    dumptostr(name+len, en->zoneStr.s);

    if (dbug.db_flgs) {
      printf("%02d - %-40s [Net:%3d.%02d Node:%3d Skt:%3d]\n",
	     i, name, ntohs(addr.net)>>8, ntohs(addr.net)&0xff, addr.node,

    strcpy(name+len, zone_name);
    printf("%-60s", name);

#define ABRECORD abRecord.proto.atp
    /* set up the data structures */
    ABRECORD.atpSocket = 0;
    ABRECORD.atpAddress = addr;
    ABRECORD.atpReqCount = 1 + strlen(bcPacket.message+1); /* sizeof packet */
    ABRECORD.atpDataPtr = (char*) &bcPacket;
    ABRECORD.atpRspBDSPtr = &myBDS;
    ABRECORD.atpUserData = 0;
    ABRECORD.fatpXO = 1;
    ABRECORD.fatpEOM = 1;
    ABRECORD.atpTimeOut = 10;
    ABRECORD.atpRetries = 1;	/* was 8 */
    ABRECORD.atpNumBufs = 1;

    /* send the message */
    ATPSndRequest(&abRecord, FALSE);
    if (abRecord.abResult == noErr)
      printf(" sent\n");
      printf(" result:  %d\n",abRecord.abResult);


dumptostr(str, todump)
char *str;
char *todump;
  char c;
  int i = 0;

  while ((c = *todump++)) {
    if (c > 0 && isprint(c)) {
      *str++ = c;
    } else {
  *str = '\0';