[comp.protocols.appletalk] Mac Mail

corwin@daedalus.UUCP (-David C. Kovar) (01/05/89)

In article <756@hemingway.WEITEK.COM> robert@hemingway.WEITEK.COM (Robert Plamondon) writes:
>I'm looking for a mac mail package that will let me send mail
>transparently between a bunch of macs on Appletalk and a bunch of
>UNIX systems on Ethernet. I have TOPS and a ethernet-to-appletalk
>box, but what seems to be missing is a mail program for the Mac
>that's smart enough to forward stuff to the UNIX systems.

  Cayman Systems is planning on proving Mac <--> Unix mail support with
their GatorBox sometime in the second quarter. The Mac end will use
Microsoft Mail and the Unix end will be the "standard" Unix mailers.
I've no more details than that. You can contact Cayman at 
(617) 494-1999.

  I'm not connected with Cayman Systems in any manner other than as
a satisfied customer.

-David Kovar
 Technical Consultant
 Harvard University


        Regarding recent queries about a UNIX-compatible mail for networked
Macs: I believe Stanford has a public-domain implementation of POP (Post
Office Protocol) for the Mac, which allows Mac users to send and retrieve
mail from a POP server on a remote host.  They need not have a user account
on the big machine; merely a POP mailbox.  Whether this could be integrated
with standard UNIX mail, I don't know.
                                        Richard Silverman