[comp.protocols.appletalk] Where's the AUFS icon?

shmuli@hujics.BITNET (Shmuel Browns) (04/27/89)

I had CAP and AUFS running on a Sun 4 under SunOS 3.2 but now that I've
upgraded to SunOS 4.0.1 I'm having a problem.  First of all, I don't remember
these negative numbers when running atistest:
    galaxy# atistest
    CAP distribution 5.00 using UDP encapsulation, March 1988
    Copyright (c) 1986,1987,1988 by The Trustees of Columbia University in the C
    abInit: [ddp:   3.00, 21] starting
    debugging NBP
    Registering "atis test:testing@*"
    NBP SndNBP: sending
    NBP nbp_timeout: 4 tick timeout on -134218784, 3 remain
    NBP SndNBP: sending
    NBP nbp_timeout: 4 tick timeout on -134218784, 2 remain
    NBP SndNBP: sending
    NBP nbp_timeout: 4 tick timeout on -134218784, 1 remain
    NBP SndNBP: sending
    NBP nbp_timeout: 4 tick timeout on -134218784, 0 remain
    NBP SndNBP: sending
    NBP status done: found -134218784

Is this OK?  Anyway, with atis running I start aufs and get the following log:
    11326* 13:27:33 04/27/89 ****************************************
    11326* 13:27:33 04/27/89 Apple Unix File Server (galaxy Aufs:AFPServer@*) st
    11326* 13:27:33 04/27/89 Aufs version: 3(2) as of May 2, 1988
    11326* 13:27:33 04/27/89 10 sessions allowed
    11326* 13:27:33 04/27/89 CONFIGURATION
    11326* 13:27:33 04/27/89  Configured: FLOCK
    11326* 13:27:33 04/27/89  Configured: LOCKF
    11326* 13:27:33 04/27/89  Configured: Volume space information: statfs
    11326* 13:27:33 04/27/89  Configured: SUN quota system
    11326* 13:27:33 04/27/89  Configured translation tables are:
    11326* 13:27:33 04/27/89   ascii: xlate on: suffix <any> and file type TEXT,
    11326* 13:27:40 04/27/89 Aufs Starting (galaxy Aufs)
    11326* 13:27:40 04/27/89 SPInit Completed.  Waiting for connection...
    11326* 13:27:40 04/27/89 Waiting for session 0 to activate

When I run atlook I only see the gateway and not the server, although when I
ask atis to dump it does show the server.  From the Mac side, the server does
not show under the Chooser in zone FizEther.

    galaxy# atlook
    abInit: [ddp:   3.00, 21] starting
    Looking for =:=@* ...
    01 -*                [Net:  3.00 Node: 22 Skt: 72]
    galaxy# /usr/local/lib/cap/atis dump
    atis: Thu Apr 27 13:48:35 1989 Sent dump nis database signal to daemon[1489]
    galaxy# more /usr/tmp/nis.db
    # Dump of NIS name table at Thu Apr 27 13:48:35 1989
    # Zone is fixed as FizEther (This is '*' - my zone)
    # Format: ddp net, node, skt, and nbp enumerator followed by
    # obj, type, zone length enclosed in !'s and then the name
    # 2 entries

    net=3.0, node=21, skt=130, enum=0, !11!9!1! ? galaxy Aufs:AFPServer@*
    net=3.0, node=21, skt=132, enum=1, !9!7!1! ? atis test:testing@*

What is going on?  Any help would be most appreciated!
Shmuel Browns, Unix & Macintosh Technical Support     VOICE: +972-2-584385/5771
  MAIL: Computer Science Dept., Ross #103, Hebrew Univ., Jerusalem 91904 ISRAEL
  BITNET: SHMULI@HUJICS               CSNET & INTERNET: shmuli@humus.huji.ac.il
Shmuel Browns                                         VOICE: +972-2-584385/5771
  MAIL: Computer Science Dept., Ross #103, Hebrew Univ., Jerusalem 91904 ISRAEL
  BITNET: SHMULI@HUJICS               CSNET & INTERNET: shmuli@humus.huji.ac.il