[comp.protocols.appletalk] info needed on pink book on TCP/IP

phil@mva.cs.liv.ac.uk (05/23/89)

      a guy called Kevin Purcell who is a Postdoc in the Dept. of Surface
Science at this university asked me to post a request for information for
him.  It seems that he requires info on Macs onto ethernet.  The problem
is that the existing boxes on the network are talking "Pink book" protocols
on top of TCP/IP stuff.  Does anyone have any info on this stuff?  Has anyone
implemented pink book on top of TCP/IP?  Does anyone have any plans to?
 If anyone knows anything about this please mail me, and I'll pass on the
messages to Kevin.

Muchos Gracias and all that stuff

Phil Jimmieson,           ***************************************************
Computer Science Dept.,   *        ** Note New Address & UserName **        *
Liverpool University,     * JANET : PHIL@UK.AC.LIV.CS.MVA                   *
Merseyside, England,      * ARPA  : PHIL%mva.cs.liv.ac.uk@cunyvm.cuny.edu   *
L69  3BX                  *                                                 *
                          * old address SQPHIL@UK.AC.LIV.CSVAX may work     *
(UK) 051-794-3689         ***************************************************