gear (12/10/82)
#N:uiucdcs:14300004:000:975 uiucdcs!gear Dec 9 19:41:00 1982 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS - RESEARCH FACULTY POSITION The Department of Computer Science has an opening for a Research Assistant Professor. This position will allow a new faculty member to undertake research fulltime as it involves no teaching duties. It is an opportunity for a person to get a good start on an academic career in an active research environment. This position is supported by a five year NSF Experimental Computer Science grant (of $4.2M). Because of this grant we have an experimental computer facility currently containing 2 VAX 11/780s, 7 VAX 11/750s, a Dolphin, a Ramtek, and several other items. More will be obtained in the remaining 3 1/2 years of the grant. We are seeking people interested in networks, distributed computing, or related topics. For more information and a formal announcement contact Prof J. N. Snyder, Head Dept. Computer Science, 1304 W. Springfield Ave, Urbana, IL 61801 217-333-3426 or send net mail to uiucdcs!gear