[comp.protocols.appletalk] System 7.0 features and RAM

Wolfgang_Naegeli.TSRS_ED@TSRSQM.ED.ORNL.GOV (Wolfgang Naegeli) (08/25/89)

REGARDING                System 7.0 features and RAM requirements
Michael A. Pasek writes:
> With System 7.0, it's almost as bad as OS/2 (needs
> gobs of memory just to LOAD!).  For those who NEED the features of
> System 7.0, this is OK -- they can probably afford the memory.  WHAT

Haven't you notcied that the price for a 1 MB RAM SIMM has fallen below $100? By
the time System 7.0 is here it will probably be quite a bit less expensive.  On
the Mac more memory really saves time.  Who's "THE REST OF US?" If you think
it's the hobbyists who use the Mac strictly for fun and entertainment, you may
have a point about not wanting to invest in more RAM.  But if you use the Mac
for work, you would be foolish not to invest a modest amount of money to get 2.5
or 4 MB, at least. And, by the way, compared to OS/2, System 7.0 will give you a
whole lot more bang for the byte.

Wolfgang N. Naegeli
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Internet: wnn@dsunx1.dsrd.ornl.gov (
Bitnet:    wnn@ornlstc         Fax: 615-574-3895      Phone: 615-574-6143