[comp.protocols.appletalk] CAP problem - help wanted!

robin@csuchico.edu (Robin Goldstone) (09/06/89)

I am having some problems with CAP.  I have a Kinetics box configured
as follows:

LocalTalk Side:  AT Zone Name = Computer Center 
                 AT Net Number = 100
                 AT Node Number = 220

UDP Side:        IP Address=
                 AT Zone Name = World
                 AT Net Number = 1
                 AT Node Number = 110

My atalk.local file contains:
# mynet mynode myzone
0.1 35 World 
# bridgenet bridgenode bridgeIP
0.1 110

The first entry refers to the UNIX box I am on:  The second
is the address of the Kinetics box described above.

When I run atlook, all I see is the Kbox, I do not see any appletalk entities
within the zone, i.e laserwriters or macs. This is the output from atlook: 

abInit: [ddp:   0.01, 35] starting
Looking for =:=@* ...
01 -*                [Net:  0.01 Node:110 Skt: 72]

Does anyone know why I can't see anything else?  Does atlook need atalkatab?
I was told it just needs atalk.local, but just in case, here is my atalkatab:

0.1	N2	World	#backbone, appletalk-in-IP
0.100	KC	World	#cc, localtalk

Thanks for any help...
Robin Goldstone, Systems Software Specialist
California State University, Chico Computer Center

GMoretti@massey.ac.nz (Giovanni Moretti) (09/15/89)

-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 GIOVANNI MORETTI, Consultant         |  EMail to GMoretti@massey.ac.nz
 Computer Centre,  Massey University  |  Packet Radio : ZL2BOI@ZL2BFJ
 Palmerston North, New Zealand        |  Ph 64 63 69099 x8398 GMT+12