rht@smsdpg.uu.net (Randy Thompson) (10/20/89)
I am looking for information on the network analysis tools available for the macintosh and localtalk networks. I have found myself in charge of a moderate sized network that is having a few problems and am in need of tools that will allow me to determine where the problems are. The network itself in composed of 4 AppleShare servers and about 150 nodes on 5 zones. Additionally, there are several K-boxes (3's and 4's), an InterBridge and other assorted devices. Obviously, the first step is to check out the cable plant (and this will be done), but I am reasonably certain that it is ok. Unfortunately, there is no historical information on this network that will allow me to determine the cause & I have just come into play on this. The symptoms that are reported are basically just random crashes. As far as I can determine, the server crashes do not always occur during peak load periods. The also occur when the servers are idle. It has been reported that server crashes have occurred as often as every four hours although the servers have been running now for anywhere between 10 and 100 days depending on which server you look at. I realize that 100days is quite acceptable, but 10 is not. Also, is anyone aware of any limitations imposed by appleshare on the number of files and directories on a volume. What effect if any, is caused by using the full 32 characters for the file name? I know that I am within the 'theoretical' limitations stated by apple, but does anyone have experience with large servers and random crashes caused by this type of thing? Any hints on what to look for or suggestions on diagnostic tools (as well as info about their capabilities) will be greatly appreciated. _________________________________________________________________________ Randy Thompson uunet!smsdpg!rht 703/648-9400 rht@smsdpg.UUCP _________________________________________________________________________