kovar%popvax@HARVARD.HARVARD.EDU (01/18/90)
Someone asked for details on using the version of NCSA telnet found on Cisco's FTP machine. I just found an old message in my mailbox concerning just that. Here it is. -David ------- Forwarded Message A SLIPed version of NCSA Telnet 2.2 can be gotten from ftp.cisco.com as telnet.hqx. It requires that you dial the phone with some terminal emulator and then start up Telnet. But it does support BOOTP and larger (>24) line screens. The other drawback is no documentation. New configuration commands: hardware=slipN where N is the line speed (i.e. 9600) vtlength=N where N is the length of the window (per host configuration) It also has a user ftp courteous of BYU. Select Service FTP from the open file dialog. ------- End of Forwarded Message