steve (03/31/83)
RLG CORP., a leading UNIX(tm) Systems Company, has openings for several software engineers. We are a small firm of some 40 people. We began business in 1970, and became UNIX users in 1975. Our firm is located in Reston, VA (approx 20 miles from D.C.). We are also a subsidiary of CCI in Rochester, NY, the leading builder of directory assistance systems for phone companies. We have a unique environment which mixes the commitment, informality, and flexibility of a small company with the financial backing, and systems strengths of a large company. The areas we are involved with are office automation, databases, fault tolerant processing, networking, and business graphics. We are looking for people with 1-10 years experience. Our development machine is a 780 running 4.1BSD and four 68000 based systems. Our needs are for staffing the following projects: 1- Databases: High performance, no-fail database to interface to our office system. Emphasis will be on developing tools for end users to build applications systems. 2- Communications: Interfaces to Telenet, Telex, and IBM. Support of TCP/IP, and higher level Arpanet protocols. 3- Word Processing: Major upgrades to our word processor, including proportional spacing, business graphics, laser printer drivers. 4- Systems Engineering: Tools for improving the productivity of our source code production, and our office system's release cycle. Please mail, phone, or US Snail your resume or questions to: Steve Bruckner RLG Corp. 1760 Reston Ave. Reston, VA 22090 (703)471-6860 {seismo,mcnc,we13}!rlgvax!steve