[comp.protocols.appletalk] Printer Spooler/Server

hedstrom@uvicctr.UVic.CA.UUCP (Brad Hedstrom) (03/21/90)

I've been investigating printer spoolers for our LocalTalk LAN. The "Inside
AppleTalk" book has a nice chapter (14) on spoolers and my question is: With a
dedicated Mac spooler/server has anyone implemented any of the ideas presented
in this chapter? The functionality that I require are:

	* accounting
	* user authentication

We currently have four Macs connected to a LaserWriter IINT. Any graduate
student has access to the Macs but for operating expenses, we need to know who
is printing how much. Thus the user should have to send a username and
password before his/her job is printed. 

We also have recently installed a GatorBox and soon will have printing from
the UNIX side also. At this time the LaserWriter is on LocalTalk but we may
hang it of the serial port of a Sun 3/50 which would be the spooler. Does
anyone know it the user authentication could (or is) implemented with a Sun as
the spooler?
Brad Hedstrom, University of Victoria, ECE Dept.
Internet:  hedstrom@sirius.uvic.ca
UUCP:   ...!{uw-beaver,ubc-vision}!uvicctr!hedstrom

cjm@unb.CA (03/22/90)

On  Tue, 20 Mar 90 13:03:04 EST  @beaver.cs.washington.edu,
@ssc-vax:hedstrom@uvicctr.UVic.CA (Brad Hedstrom) writes:

> I've been investigating printer spoolers for our LocalTalk LAN. The
> "Inside AppleTalk" book has a nice chapter (14) on spoolers and my
> question is: With a dedicated Mac spooler/server has anyone
> implemented any of the ideas presented in this chapter? The
> functionality that I require are:
>        * accounting
>        * user authentication
I'm Posting this to the net because your return address got corrupted

I had a similar question about a week ago. In addition to what you
want to do I also wanted the ability to hide printers in one zone
from another zone. Please forward any replys you get to me. This
problem is a major headache and will only get worst as our network
is expanding to include our whole campus.
As a Postscript I would like to say that I am totally amazed at
the lack of foresight that went into apple's print server software.
Don't they follow their own advice on how to write a print server ?

Chris McNeil
Systems Engineer
University of New Brunswick
Computing Center