jay@argosy.UUCP (Jay O'Conor) (06/06/90)
I've done a little investigation into how MacTCP works. I've figured out that It only supports directly connected Ethernet boards, or an Ethernet gateway such as FastPath. It only supports those two data link types because there are seperate code resources to deal with each data link type. However, it is possible to install code resources to deal with other data link layers. Has anyone done this to implement SLIP? If not, has (or will) Apple make the information known on how to write such a code resource to work with MacTCP? Thanks! Jay O'Conor jay@maspar.com
Gavin_Eadie@UM.CC.UMICH.EDU (06/06/90)
> link type. However, it is possible to install code resources to deal with > other data link layers. > Has anyone done this to implement SLIP? > If not, has (or will) Apple make the information known on how to write > such a code resource to work with MacTCP? "Has anyone done this to implement SLIP?" ... yes, we have. But (a) we have implemented SLFP, not SLIP, and (b) there are inherent problems with the software architecture and the MacTCP timing that make this a less than perfect solution. "will) Apple make the information known" ... I'll let John at Apple speak for the company, but I will say that some aspects of the way MacTCP interacts with LAP layers is under examination so that LAP layers will be easier to write in the future. Gavin Eadie U of Michigan Information Systems
veizades@apple.com (John Veizades) (06/07/90)
There will be a document available to developers as part of the next release of MacTCP that will describe the interface that MacTCP requires to LAP layers. This functionality will only be available with the next version of MacTCP since there are several problems that have to be corrected with MacTCP for it to work with a SLIP style interface. John Veizades... Apple Computer, Inc.