[comp.protocols.appletalk] AppleShare PC 2.01

haase@meevax.meediv.lanl.gov (HAASE_PETER_K) (07/17/90)

to an Appleshare File server running on a VAX 6320 using Pacershare 5.2
Of course the difficult part is getting the PC's on to the newtork.
We have some on the Localtalk side with a Fastpath gateway. The problem
is with PC's direct connected on the Backbone. Pacershare only supports
Appletalk Phase 1. If PC's are connected to the backbone Appleshare
defaults to Phase 2. Is there any way to use Phase 1 on the direct connects?
At least if you are on the Localtalk side you can choose between Phase 1
and 2. 

      Peter K. Haase				haase@meediv.lanl.gov
			(505) 667-2684
                Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)