[comp.protocols.appletalk] Mac/UNIX Connectivity: How?

tcora@PICA.ARMY.MIL (Tom Coradeschi) (08/29/90)

My original message read:

So. We need to provide telnet logins from macs to the Iris (nominally using
NCSA Telnet), so folks can create input files, run the code, etc. It would
also be nice if we could mount unix directories on the macs, so folks could
directly access input files and output files. This way plotting and so forth
could be done on the macs, allowing for easy integration of output into
papers and such.

I'm looking for recommendations as to how to do this. I basically see that
there are two popular combinations. 1) Kinetics/Shiva/?? FastPath/Kstar/CAP
or 2) Cayman GatorBox/???. Both these packages allow unix directories to
be mounted as virtual disks on the macs (right?), basically by turning them
into big AppleShare file servers. The Iris speaks NFS, as well (I think that
matters). I'd like to hear what folks have done at their sites, particularly
with requirements similar to ours, and what the pitfalls and bottlenecks of
their particular implementations have been. Of course, if there are other
viable means of accomplishing these ends, I'd like to hear about them too...

The replies I received fell into two basic categories. First, put all
your macs on ethernet. Thanks, but no thanks. Too much like work. Second,
get a gateway, either Shiva FastPath, Cayman GatorBox or Webster MultiGate.

The FastPath and GatorBox are, and have been, thoroughly discussed across the
net. The MultiGate is new to me, and has some interesting features. For
example it has 4 localtalk ports, so AppleTalk zoning can also be handled
by the gateway.

The gist of the comments was that the FastPath is OK, and so is the
GatorBox. But. Cayman supports their product MUCH better than Shiva. The
GatorBox may be configured from the Mac. This obviates the need for config
files on UNIX machines. Since our Irises speak NFS, we can mount UNIX
directories on the macs, without hacking CAP. All in all, the overwhelming
majority pointed me toward Cayman and the GatorBox.

As far as software goes, well, I kind of told the tale in the last
paragraph. If you use NFS, the GatorBox and GatorShare should do the trick.
Several noted that the NFS implementation is not blindingly fast, sort of
the same order of magnitude as a floppy disk. This we can live with. We like
simplicity:-} For improved speed, the K-Ashare package from Mt. Xinu was
recommended. I have their data sheets, but am at present unsure as to
whether or not it will port readily to the Irises.

It looks as though we will do the following. Install the GatorBox and
GatorShare. That will get our users up and running in a relatively short
time. If speed becomes an issue, we will look into K-Ashare as an
alternative. (I've seen CAP, and I don't want to mess with it.)

My thanks to the following folks, who responded to my query for information
on hardware and software for this effort.

Steven C. Blair <sblair@synoptics.com>
Charles H. Buchholtz <chip@pender.ee.upenn.edu>
David Burk  <burk@mtxinu.com>
Steve Dorner <dorner@pequod.cso.uiuc.edu>
Reid Ellis <rae%alias@csri.toronto.edu>
Kraig Eno <kraig@milton.u.washington.edu>
Tom Evans <wcc@cup.portal.com>
Geert Jan de Groot <geertj@ica.philips.nl>
Jeffrey C. Kantor <jeff@ndcheg.cheg.nd.edu>
Russell Mosemann <mosemann@hoss.unl.edu>
Mike A. Pasek <ncrons!pasek@nosc.mil>
Bill Selig <selig@xanth.msfc.nasa.gov>
Alan Stepakoff <Alan_Stepakoff.SYSENG@macq_smtp.jpl.nasa.gov>

The vendors are:

Edith Desmond            David Burke       
Cayman Systems           MT XINU           
26 Landsdowne St.        2560 Ninth St     
Cambridge, MA 02139      Berkeley, CA 94710 
617-494-1999             415-644-0146       
edith@cayman.com         Burk@mtxinu.com

Betsy McLindon           Michael Georgoff
Shiva Corp               Webster Computer
155 Second St            2109 O'Toole Ave, Suite J
Cambridge, MA 02141      San Jose, CA 95131
617-864-8500             408-954-8054

I hope this helps someonw out there...

tom coradeschi    <+>    tcora@pica.army.mil    <+>    tcora@dacth01.bitnet