[comp.protocols.appletalk] MacX Educational Site License

hpoppe@ncar.ucar.edu (Herb Poppe) (09/14/90)

I am having difficulty trying to obtain an educational site license for 
MacX (for the MacOS). I was told by Apple Software Licensing that the MacX 
product manager had decided that licensing would be handled by dealers and 
not ASL. I was told that I would also have to buy a single copy of the 
software as the site license did not include media or manuals. (By the 
way, she used the term "right to copy"; not "site license"). I was given 
the following product numbers:

M0108LL/A    MacX
M0747LL/A    Site License

One dealer (Falcon Microsystems) says, however, that M0747 is the site 
license for "X Window System for A/UX" (which, I understand, includes 
"MacX for A/UX"). My Apple Federal Account Exec says that there is no site 
license for MacX.

1) If, in fact, there is a site license for MacX (for the MacOS), what is 
    a) product number?
    b) price? (we are a university consortia funded by the Nat. Science 
    c) do I still have to buy the single copy (M0108) or is media and 
manuals included?

2) If there is no site license for MacX alone, do I buy the site license 
for "X Window System for A/UX" (M0747) instead? Then must I buy "X Window 
System for A/UX" (M0411LL/A) to get media/manuals (and hope that "MacX for 
A/UX" will run with the MacOS), or do I buy "MacX for the MacOS" (M0108).

I would appreciate hearing from someone who has obtained an educational 
site license for MacX.

Herb Poppe             hpoppe@ncar.ucar.edu
NCAR                      (303) 497-1296
1850 Table Mesa Dr.
Boulder, CO  80307-3000

MCMAHON@GRIN1.BITNET ("McMahon,Brian D") (09/16/90)

Herb Poppe <ncar.ucar.edu!hpoppe@HANDIES.UCAR.EDU> writes:

>I am having difficulty trying to obtain an educational site license for
>MacX (for the MacOS). I was told by Apple Software Licensing that the MacX
>product manager had decided that licensing would be handled by dealers and
>not ASL. I was told that I would also have to buy a single copy of the
>software as the site license did not include media or manuals. (By the
>way, she used the term "right to copy"; not "site license").
[ Trimmed ]

I've experienced similar frustrations trying to get info on distributing
the AppleTalk Data Stream Protocol (ADSP) on campus.  With the number of
educational institutions running Macs, often in heavily networked
environments, it astounds me that there is no coherent and uniform policy
on licensing the very products that these places need.  Fortunately, it
turns out we're not going to need ADSP campus-wide, so we're OK *this*
time.  But our networking needs are growing and changing rapidly.  I'm
concerned that we'll get little help from Cupertino.

On another topic, I was told that APDA has dropped the _AppleTalk for VMS
Documentation Suite v. 2.0_ (order no. C0009LL/A, price US$40.00) from
their inventory.  #@*&!  Does anyone know where the Hell it went?  I was
hoping to use those docs to answer a few questions here.  I suppose I could
always hope Alisa's documentation improves, i.e. for a bloody miracle.

(Anyone producing a two-volume set of technical docs with NO INDEXES
WHATSOEVER should be shot on national TV as an example to the others!)

(The above does not represent official GCCS policy. :-) )

"Support?  What's that?"

(The above DOES appear to reflect the policy of Apple :-( )

Brian McMahon  <MCMAHON@GRIN1.BITNET> | VAX Kludgemeister, Macintosh Medic,
Grinnell College Computer Services    | Human Help Key, various and sundry
Grinnell, Iowa 50112 USA              | stats packages.  Please allow two
Voice: +1 515 269 4901                | to four weeks for miracles.
Fax:   +1 515 269 4936

Grinnell College:  "Oh, you mean Cornell?  How are things in Ithaca?"
Iowa:  "Oh yes, that's where they grow potatoes, right?"