[comp.protocols.appletalk] Printing from a PC

ABurton@massey.ac.nz (A.K. Burton) (04/09/90)

The cheapest way to print a file from a PC is to put an appletalk card in
the PC and hook it to the localtalk network.

Allan Burton
Macintosh Consultant
Massey University
Palmerston North
New Zealand

EMail ABurton@Massey.ac.nz

CJM@UNB.CA (09/26/90)

When trying to print from a ibm connected to appletalk ( through an
appletalk card) the printing is very slow. It seems 1 packet is sent for
each character. I have seen this problem on the net before but I can't
recall seeing the solution.
Thanks for any help.

gmoff@ccu1.aukuni.ac.nz (Moffat) (09/28/90)

CJM@UNB.CA writes:

>When trying to print from a ibm connected to appletalk ( through an
>appletalk card) the printing is very slow. It seems 1 packet is sent for
>each character. I have seen this problem on the net before but I can't
>recall seeing the solution.

For us, it's typically 3-4 characters per packet, according to Peek.
This is using Appleshare PC V2.0.  Our solution was to use PC Laserwriter
 V1.0, which just dumps postscript files to the printer via a menu - it
 doesn't have any appleshare capabilities (which we don't want), nor the
 nice feature (which we'd like to have) of printing files directly from
 programs (we use Word 5) by rerouting the PRT1: port.
We tried all manner of combinations of DIP switch settings, polled v 
 interrupt driven, buffer sizes, but nothing worked!
The only advice our local Apple techs could offer (after consulting
 Australia) was to send an end-of-page (^D) !!! or use an AT ???
Actually, print speed doubled using an AT - packets contained alternately
 2 then 10 characters - it's obviously some sort of buffer bottleneck
We would like to know the solution too, please.  Then we will have to
 upgrade the 512K of our genuine IBM XT so that Word 5 & Appleshare PC will
 fit! (We were using Word 4 when we first tried this).

    Graeme Moffat                         Phone : +64 9 737 999  x8384 
    Computer Aided Design Centre,         Fax   : +64 9 366 0702
    School of Engineering,		  Mail  : Private Bag, Auckland, NZ
    University of Auckland		  Email : gmoff@ccu1.aukuni.ac.nz
             Time wastes us all, our bodies and our wits -
             But we waste time, so time and we are quits
    Graeme Moffat                         Phone : +64 9 737 999  x8384 
    Computer Aided Design Centre,         Fax   : +64 9 366 0702
    School of Engineering,		  Mail  : Private Bag, Auckland, NZ
    University of Auckland		  Email : gmoff@ccu1.aukuni.ac.nz