(Lennart Saaf) (11/02/90)
I received several helpful answers to my question about the IIfx and AppleShare. Here is my original posting: LS> From: (Lennart Saaf) LS> Subject: Does the fx have an AppleShare problem? LS> Date: 31 Oct 90 13:54:33 LS> LS> Our fx has a whale of a time as an AppleShare client -- It will LS> occasionally lock up for 30 seconds or so with the double arrow shown LS> in the upper left corner. The other Macs in the lab have no such LS> trouble. LS> LS> Well, today I read a blurb in the current MacWorld mentioning that LS> there is a problem using IIfx's with AppleShare due to 'excessive LS> polling.' Any info on this problem or known fixes/workarounds would LS> be appreciated. LS> LS> Thanks, LS> Len LS> The responses were of 2 types. The first dealt with a known problem with the Farallon Star Controller (which we use) and the fx... > From: (David Brown) > > You don't say how your fx's are > attached - if you are using an older Farallon StarController, you need to > get a PROM update for the StarController - contact Farallon. If you are > using Apple EtherTalk boards, check the revision level of the board - I > think Rev K is OK, but Rev L is best. Rev J or older may cause problems. > From: "George Sanderson - McDonnell Douglas Telecomm." <gws@tc1ps2.mdc.COM> > > Len > If you are using the Farallon PhoneNet, you might want to check > into its fx compatibility problems, i.e. LocalTalk signals. > From: claris!ClarisII! (Clay A. Maeckel) > > If you are using LocalTalk and have an old Farallon StarController, the > StarController could be the problem. There are a new set of PALs that you > can get from Farallon that fixes the problem. The problem also occurs with > the Apple IIgs connected to LocalTalk. > From Wed Oct 31 17:01 EST 1990 > > I don't know anything about the fx Appleshare problem, I do know that > if your fx is connected with twisted pair through a Farralon > Star-Controller (only the older ones...the black ones...) there is a > definite performance problem. You need a GAL chip upgrade to correct > the problem... --moya I later found out that we are to receive the same chips from Farallon shortly. In the meantime there is a fix: > From: (John Derwent) > > Hello, > I don't really know if this is related to your problem, but here is a > description of a cdev available from sumex which could conceivably help. > > #### BINHEX cdev/iifx-serial-switch.hqx **** > From: (B. Kirsch) > > I recently requested a copy of the IIfx Serial Switch CDEV. > Thanks to those that sent me a copy. Many others also > requested a copy so I am posting it to the net. > > This CDEV puts the Mac IIfx serial port into a "Compatible" or > "Faster" mode. Some applications that use the printer or > modem ports do not operate properly unless the serial ports are set > to "Compatible". I obtained this CDEV and now the fx runs fine with AppleShare. Thanks to all who responded. Len -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Len Saaf, The Institute of Optics, Univ. of Rochester, Rochester, NY | | Internet: Bitnet: SAAF@UOROPT | ------------------------------------------------------------------------