[comp.protocols.appletalk] NetModems???

rc2o+@ANDREW.CMU.EDU (Richard Lee Chung) (11/02/90)

Does anyone know if there is a version of the NetModem, or anything like
it, that works with the DOV protocol (Data Over Voice)???  

Pointers appreciated.


                               Richard Chung
                                 Box #1539
                             1060 Morewood Ave
                           Pittsburgh, PA 15213
            (412) 268-4934 (h)     -----      (412) 268-6736 (w)

                        Carnegie Mellon University
  Generating an Amalgam of Real-time, Novel Editors and Toolkits(GARNET)
  rc2o@andrew.cmu.edu     rlc@a.gp.cs.cmu.edu     q100rc2o@vb.cc.cmu.edu