gjc@loki.Stanford.edu (George J. Chen) (01/11/91)
Posting for a friend... George Chen ---------------------- I am currently trying to use a Gatorbox to connect a Localtalk Phase II network with an Ethernet. My ultimate goal is to be able to print from the Macs to a Unix machine. I have set up the Gatorbox, and have installed CAP on a Sun 3/260. I can run "atlook" and see any Macintosh Zone I request. I can even use lwpr to print from the Sun to a Mac printer. However, when I run atis and lwsrv I cannot "see" the printer on the Mac side. I am not sure if even the NBP is working because if I run atistest or lwsrv with the debug flags I get: NBP nbp_timeout: 4 tick timeout on 251657516, 3 remain NBP SndNBP: sending etc... My only theories are that Appletalk Phase II is not supported by CAP, or my net numbers in atalk.local are wrong. However, neither explain why I can print TO the Macs, but I can't register a Unix printer ON the Macs. If anyone has successfully installed a sytem as described above I would appreciate hearing from them. If anyone has any suggestions on what to try, I would also like to hear from them. Thanks. Please EMAIL all correspondance to the below address as I do not receive news. -Pete Olpe- olpe@bigbopper.etdesg.trw.com (213) 814-2773 -- George J. Chen Internet: gjc@nova.stanford.edu | UUCP: ..uunet!gjc%nova.stanford.edu Bitnet: gjc%nova@forsythe.bitnet | SPAN: STAR::"gjc@nova.stanford.edu"