(Anthony Olejnik) (01/19/91)
Hi. Does anyone have any info/comments/suggestions for devices that provide *BOTH* AppleTalk routing (between LocalTalk and Ethernet) *AND* DDP-IP Gatewaying? The list seems to be growing. I already know about the following products: Cayman's GatorBox Shiva's FastPath IV Wollongong's MacPathway AT NRC's Multigate Webster's Multigate (or what ever the name currently is) Ungermann-Bass's MaxTalk Are there any others? Does anyone have any scorecard-like comparison of features? Without a doubt, the GatorBox and Fastpath seem to be more widely used. Of course, they've been around longer (especially the FastPath). Any help would be *GREATLY* appreciated. Please feedback. If I get enough responses, I'll post a summary. I think that I could make up some sort of scorecard like they do in MacWorld or like someone on the 'net' did with the various TCP/IP sofftware for DOS. (BTW, I'm aware of the router-only evaluation that MacWorld and possibly others did a while back. I'm interested in packages that *IN ADDITION* to appletalk routing provide a DDP-IP gateway feature. This requirement significantly reduces the number of candidates. Thanks. --Tony Olejnik Network Engineer University of Pennsylvania Data Communications and Computing Services 3401 Walnut Street Suite 221A Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104-6228 (215) 898-9408