[comp.protocols.appletalk] Using TOPS flash cards on 33MHz 386

news@crdgw1.crd.ge.com (USENET News System) (03/06/91)

Compaq deskpro.  The software behaves as if the transceiver is not attached
to the (card) which it is,  and all the hardware works on other systems.  I
called Sitka (or whatever they call themselves) and was told that this
was a known problem and the only solution is to by another card which is
under development.  I can construct a number of scenerios underwhich
a really fast CPU would cause problems,  but the Flashtalk card is the
first device that has failed to work in this system.  Has anyone else
experienced this problem? Better yet has anyone found a solution.  I
quickly scanned a dissasembly of atalk.sys looking for problem areas.  I
noticed a couple of things that looked suspicious,  but I thought that I would
inquire of the network before I tried patching someone else's device
driver.  I'm not even sure that the problem lies in the driver.  Sitka
tech support was neither very technical nor very helpful.
From: dixon@sagittarius.crd.ge.com (walt dixon)
Path: sagittarius!dixon

Thanks for you help.

Walt Dixon		{internet:	dixon@crd.ge.com	}
			{us mail:	ge-crd			}
			{		po box 8		}
			{		schenectady, ny 12301	}
			{phone:		518-387-5798 (W)	}
			{		518-875-6203 (H)	}

Walt Dixon dixon@crd.ge.com