[comp.protocols.appletalk] PC's and Ethertalk

jf@ap.co.umist.ac.uk (John Forrest) (03/26/91)

I understand software/hardware kits are available for adding
Localtalk capability to PC's - and that this will provide
AppleFileServer Access and Laserwriter Access. Two questions
about this:

1) Is there also a TCP driver that runs with this (the
IP-in-Appletalk method used on the Macs). If so, does anyone
know if the NCSA Telnet runs with it?

2) Perhaps more importantly. Is the Appletalk access available
with a direct ethernet driver - ie. can the PC produce
Ethertalk packets directly - or even IPTalk packets? Again can
TCP run simultaneously?

Basic Scenario - we are putting in a Localtalk network for our
Macs and it goes past some PC's. Ethernet is already in, but it
is cheaper for the Macs to be connected to Localtalk. For PC's
the costs are not so clean - the cheapest PC solution seems
about the same price as a PC Localtalk card. However, I
wondered if there was Ethertalk software available?

John Forrest
Dept of Computation