[comp.protocols.appletalk] Heap Tool

kkirksey@eng.auburn.edu (Kenneth B. Kirksey) (05/17/91)

I use the HeapTool INIT and I was wondering if it would still be necessary
under System 7, or have they improved the allocation on the system heap
to alleviate the problems that Heap Tool fixes?

| Ken Kirksey               | "Any government that robs Peter to pay Paul    |
| Computer Engineering      |  can always count on the support of Paul"	     |
| Auburn University         |                                                |
| kkirksey@eng.auburn.edu   |                        -Robert A. Heinlein     |

starta@tosh.UUCP (John Starta) (05/21/91)

kkirksey@eng.auburn.edu (Kenneth B. Kirksey) writes:

> I use the HeapTool INIT and I was wondering if it would still be necessary
> under System 7, or have they improved the allocation on the system heap
> to alleviate the problems that Heap Tool fixes?

None of the heap adjustment tools are necessary under System 7.0, as it now 
adjusts the help itself dynamically.


John A. Starta        Internet: tosh!starta@asuvax.eas.asu.edu
Chief Technologist        UUCP: ...ncar!noao!asuvax!tosh!starta
Micro Orchard Co.          AOL: AFA John; CompuServe: 71520,3556

bmug@garnet.berkeley.edu (BMUG) (05/21/91)

In article <kkirksey.910517095609@lab13.eng.auburn.edu> kkirksey@eng.auburn.edu (Kenneth B. Kirksey) writes:
>I use the HeapTool INIT and I was wondering if it would still be necessary
>under System 7, or have they improved the allocation on the system heap
>to alleviate the problems that Heap Tool fixes?

Products like HeapTool and Heap Fixer are no longer necessary to alter the
size of the heap under System 7, which is smart enough to dynamically do
it by itself.

John Heckendorn
BMUG                      ARPA: bmug@garnet.berkeley.EDU    A__A
1442A Walnut St., #62     BITNET: bmug@ucbgarne             |()|
Berkeley, CA  94709       Phone: (415) 549-2684             |  |

awessels@ccwf.cc.utexas.edu (Allen Wessels) (05/22/91)

In article <1991May21.143224.27952@agate.berkeley.edu> bmug@garnet.berkeley.edu (BMUG) writes:

>Products like HeapTool and Heap Fixer are no longer necessary to alter the
>size of the heap under System 7, which is smart enough to dynamically do
>it by itself.

Wasn't MultiFinder in 6.0 supposed to do that too?  I wonder if 7.0 grows the
heap at init load time too.  

nerm@Apple.COM (Dean Yu) (05/22/91)

In article <kkirksey.910517095609@lab13.eng.auburn.edu> kkirksey@eng.auburn.edu (Kenneth B. Kirksey) writes:
>I use the HeapTool INIT and I was wondering if it would still be necessary
>under System 7, or have they improved the allocation on the system heap
>to alleviate the problems that Heap Tool fixes?

  The system heap in System 7 will automatically expand (to an extent) if it
finds itself short of space, so you don't need anything that adjusts the size
of your system heap any more.

  -- Dean Yu
     Blue Meanie, Negative Ethnic Role Model, etc.
     Apple Computer, Inc.
     blah blah blah...