lorin@litsun.epfl.ch (Ronan-Yann Lorin) (05/16/91)
I'm very news at networking and not very good in english, so I didn't fully understood CAP's documentation. I think that there are 3 way to install CAP 6.0 distribution: - IPTalk or KIP which allows to send UDP encapsulated Appletalk packets to a bridge. - Ethertalk which allows to directly send Appletalk packet on ethernet. - UAB (Unix Applatalk Bridge) But what can I do with it? I've got the following problem: We have Suns connected with ethernet. We have Macintoshs connected with localtalk and ethernet. We have bridges between ethernet and localtalk. We have laserwriter connected to localtalk. We are running Appletalk phase two on localtalk and ethernet (ethertalk?). I'd like to be able to print on laserwriters from Suns. Can I use CAP to do this? Thanks in advance for your help. -- Ronan-Yann Lorin. | e-mail: lorin@litsun.epfl.ch Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne. | phone # +41 (21) 693-43-81 Departement d'Informatique. | fax # +41 (21) 693-46-60 Laboratoire d'Informatique Technique. EL-Ecublens. CH-1015 Lausanne.
kludge@grissom.larc.nasa.gov ( Scott Dorsey) (05/29/91)
In article <1991May16.100923@litsun.epfl.ch> lorin@litsun.epfl.ch (Ronan-Yann Lorin) writes: > We have Macintoshs connected with localtalk and ethernet. > We have bridges between ethernet and localtalk. > We have laserwriter connected to localtalk. > We are running Appletalk phase two on localtalk and ethernet (ethertalk?). > I'd like to be able to print on laserwriters from Suns. > Can I use CAP to do this? Si vous avez les ponts comme GatorBox ou Fastpath (le truc marron), vous na'vez pas de problemme. Installez le software pour IPTALK au Fastpath et installez le software CAP avec IPTALK. Faisez le travaille avec papif, q'est un part de la package CAP, au directoire SAMPLES. C'est possible de cree un queue pour chaque imprimateur (?) au machine Unix, avec le filtre papif. Ce filtre imprime la file au Appletalk, et retourne rien. Au queue, la parametre pr est /dev/null, et le filtre fait tout. Vouz aimerez le CAP. --scott (tiens, ma francais est affreux aussi, probablement plus mal que votre anglais...)