[comp.protocols.appletalk] How many EtherTalk zones should I have?

tony@scotty.dccs.upenn.edu (Anthony Olejnik) (06/19/91)

I currently have about 2 dozen localtalk zones (say, zone-01 thru
zone-24).  Each has a separate router associate with it which routes 
to a common campus ethernet backbone.  Each zone is associated with a
separate unique group on the campus.

Most of the groups also have some Macs (usually file servers) that are
directly connected to the campus ethernet backbone.

I would like to have 25 ethertalk zones defined in the routers
as well (zone-01 thur zone-24 plus a separate default zone).

QUESTION #1:  Is it OK to have an ethertalk defined zone for each 
              localtalk zone?

QUESTION #2:  Should I have just two ethertalk zones defined (say,
              CAMPUS ETHERNET and DEFAULT ZONE) instead of the
	      25 stated above?  This way, I don't have to worry
              about constantly adding new ethertalk zones as new
              groups join the campus backbone.  However, if everyone
              were in CAMPUS ETHERNET or DEFAULT ZONE, it would seem
              to be much more difficult to maintain/administer/trouble
              shoot the network (by using things like InterPoll and such).

QUESTION #3:  Since my network is growing, what do I do when I reach
              (what I think is) the 32 zone limit in the chooser?

Any help would be *GREATLY* appreciate.


--Tony Olejnik
  Network Engineer
  University of Pennsylvania
  Data Communications and Computing Services
  3401 Walnut Street
  Suite 221A
  Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104-6228
  (215) 898-9408