E1AR0002@SMUVM1.BITNET (Leff, Southern Methodist University) (04/12/87)
%A Luis Pastor %A Jose Maria Sebastian %T A Least-Squares Algorithm for Interframe Displacement Estimation. Application to Stereo Vision %B Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Problems %E D. Sriram %E R. Adey %V 1 %I Computational Mechanics Publications %C Woburn, Massachussetts %D 1986 %P 101-108 %K O06 AI06 %X ISBN 0931215129 %A Zhong-Rong Li %A Da-peng Zhang %T An Intelligent Vision System for Robot %B Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Problems %E D. Sriram %E R. Adey %V 1 %I Computational Mechanics Publications %C Woburn, Massachussetts %D 1986 %P 119-128 %K AA27 AI07 AI06 satellite landsat geosensing %X ISBN 0931215129 .br br Describes having a satellite for landsat type applications only send relevant material rather than transmit all the data for the purpose of reducing use of bandwidth in communication between ground and satellite. The proposed system uses region growing as well as a variety of convolution operators as well as special purpose hardware. The system achieved 97% accuracy in recognition of type of area (farmfield, mountain, shadow, etc.) %A K. K. Ong %A R. E. Seviora %A P. Dasiewicz %T Knowledge-Based Position Estimation for a Multisensor House Robot %B Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Problems %E D. Sriram %E R. Adey %V 1 %I Computational Mechanics Publications %C Woburn, Massachussetts %D 1986 %P 119-130 %K AI06 AI07 AA19 blackboard %X ISBN 0931215129 .br br A Hero-I robot containing a cheap light sensor and a sonar sensor was interfaced to an IBM-PC containing a Hearsay-like system for determining which room the robot was in. This system achieved an 87% success rate. %A W. L. Whitaker %A B. Motazed %T Interpretation of Pipe Networks by Magnetic Sensing %B Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Problems %E D. Sriram %E R. Adey %V 1 %I Computational Mechanics Publications %C Woburn, Massachussetts %D 1986 %P 131-139 %K AA05 AI06 %X ISBN 0931215129 .br br Describes system to interpret magnetic sensor readings for such as evaluating the position of iron reinforcements within concrete and locating underground pipes. %A W. T. Keirouz %A D. R. Rehak %A I. J. Oppenheim %T Object-Oriented Domain Modelling of Constructed Facilities for Robotic Operations %B Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Problems %E D. Sriram %E R. Adey %V 1 %I Computational Mechanics Publications %C Woburn, Massachussetts %D 1986 %P 141-150 %K AI07 AI16 AA05 %X ISBN 0931215129 .br br describes goals and methods for organizing data structures to manage robots in a construction site. %A Nancy E. Orlando %T Interfacing Intelligent Software to Robotic Peripherals %B Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Problems %E D. Sriram %E R. Adey %V 1 %I Computational Mechanics Publications %C Woburn, Massachussetts %D 1986 %P 151-162 %K AA10 AA27 AI07 satellite Langley %X ISBN 0931215129 .br br draws analogies between animal behavior and robotic systems. Also discusses research at Nasa Langley Research Center which include simulation systems and attempts to get robots to perform removal and replacement of a module on a satellite as well as refueling of satellites. %A Michel Bidoit %A Francesca Losavia %T Automatic Programming Techniques Applied to Software Development An Approach Based on Exception Handling %B Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Problems %E D. Sriram %E R. Adey %V 1 %I Computational Mechanics Publications %C Woburn, Massachussetts %D 1986 %P 165-178 %K AA08 digital telephony %X ISBN 0931215129 .br br Describes a system for generation of ADA program in telephony systems. %A Hirooaki Saito %A Masaru Tomita %T On Automatic Composition of Stereotypic Documents in Foreign Languages %B Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Problems %E D. Sriram %E R. Adey %V 1 %I Computational Mechanics Publications %C Woburn, Massachussetts %D 1986 %P 179-192 %K AI02 %X ISBN 0931215129 .br br Describes a system that will take input for various standard situations such as a move and prepare a letter in the appropriate language including all politeness type sentences appropriate for the target language. %A Meng Li-Ming %T Natural Language Interface to Relational Data Base Systems %B Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Problems %E D. Sriram %E R. Adey %V 1 %I Computational Mechanics Publications %C Woburn, Massachussetts %D 1986 %P 193-200 %K AI02 AA09 %X ISBN 0931215129 .br br Description of the overall architecture of a system that they built. %A J. Korn %A J. D. Cumbers %A F. Huss %T Computer Aided Systems Modelling %B Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Problems %E D. Sriram %E R. Adey %V 1 %I Computational Mechanics Publications %C Woburn, Massachussetts %D 1986 %P 202-213 %K AI02 T02 %X ISBN 0931215129 .br br discusses the design of a system to read text with an example given from an newspaper article about the sale of public woodlands to private investors in Britain. %A Kingsley Harrop-Williams %T Artificial Intelligence in Soil Exploration %B Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Problems %E D. Sriram %E R. Adey %V 1 %I Computational Mechanics Publications %C Woburn, Massachussetts %D 1986 %P 229-237 %K AA05 AI04 O04 AI06 %X ISBN 0931215129 .br br This system interprets cone penetrometer data in a geotechnical survey. It uses learning techniques and interprets information as readings are taken so as to allow decisions on which readings to take next to be influenced by the interpretation of those already taken in the past. Pattern recognition techniques are used to separate the M soil types from the observed measurement vectors and fuzzy techniques are used to represent various beliefs about the characteristics of the site. %A Rense Lange %T Stat: A Probabilistic Knowledge Based Induction Program for Building Expert Systems %B Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Problems %E D. Sriram %E R. Adey %V 1 %I Computational Mechanics Publications %C Woburn, Massachussetts %D 1986 %P 239-246 %K AI04 AI01 %X ISBN 0931215129 .br br Describes a clustering system of the Michalski type with applications to expert systems. %A Felix S. Wong %A Weimin Dong %T Fuzzy Information Processing in Engineering Analysis %B Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Problems %E D. Sriram %E R. Adey %V 1 %I Computational Mechanics Publications %C Woburn, Massachussetts %D 1986 %P 247-260 %K O04 AI01 AA05 AT08 %X ISBN 0931215129 .br br discussion of fuzzy logic techniques %A John J. Granacki %A Alice C. Parker %T A Natural Language Interface for Specifying Digital Systems %B Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Problems %E D. Sriram %E R. Adey %V 1 %I Computational Mechanics Publications %C Woburn, Massachussetts %D 1986 %P 215-226 %K AA04 AI02 %X an interface to the VLSI design system ADAM using Conceptual Dependencies. New Conceptual Dependencie classes were created for digital design in such a manner that the system developed will work with any CD based Natural Language design system. %A W. M. Dong %A H. C. Shah %A A. C. Boissonnade %T Treatment of Vague Information in the Development of a Risk Evaluatin System - Application to Seismic Risk Analysis %B Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Problems %E D. Sriram %E R. Adey %V 1 %I Computational Mechanics Publications %C Woburn, Massachussetts %D 1986 %P 247-260 %K O04 AA05 AI01 %X Fuzzy rules are used to represent various socio-economic considerations in measuring the impact of an earthquake while more structured rules are used to represent various analysis tools for earthquake engineering. %A C. C. Thiel %A A. C. Boissonnade %T System Identification and Information Processing in Seismic Vulnerability Analysis of Structures %B Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Problems %E D. Sriram %E R. Adey %V 1 %I Computational Mechanics Publications %C Woburn, Massachussetts %D 1986 %P 277-285 %K AA05 O04 %X The use of fuzzy modelling and cascading models in generating earthquake vulnerability assessments %A Adele Howe %A Paul Cohen %A John Dixon %A Melvin Simmons %T Dominic: A Domain-Independent Program for Mechanical Engineering Design %B Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Problems %E D. Sriram %E R. Adey %V 1 %I Computational Mechanics Publications %C Woburn, Massachussetts %D 1986 %P 289-299 %K AA05 %X an optimization system for evaluate and redesign engineering. The emphasis is on "parameter selection" for a system whose basic configuration is known. I. E. in a belt and pulley system, the exact sizes and locations of the pulleys would be chosen when the configuration of what belt is attached to which pulley has been predetermined. %A Farrokh Mistree %A H. M. Karandikar %A Saiyid Kamal %T Rule-Based Post Solution Analysis of Decision Support Problems: Some Preliminary Results %B Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Problems %E D. Sriram %E R. Adey %V 1 %I Computational Mechanics Publications %C Woburn, Massachussetts %D 1986 %P 302-315 %K linear programming sensitivity analysis optimization AI01 %X describes methods for assisting the user in analyzing the results of a linear programming run. Examples of changes that can be examined are changes in the coefficients of the constraints or the inclusion of a new variable. %A Bertrand Neveu %A Pierre Haren %T SMECI: An Expert System for Civil Engineering Design %B Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Problems %E D. Sriram %E R. Adey %V 1 %I Computational Mechanics Publications %C Woburn, Massachussetts %D 1986 %P 317-325 %K AA05 AI01 %X an expert system for harbor and breakwater design. %A Michael G. Dyer %A Margot Flowers %A Jack Hodges %T Edison: An Engineering Design Invention System Operating Naively %B Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Problems %E D. Sriram %E R. Adey %V 1 %I Computational Mechanics Publications %C Woburn, Massachussetts %D 1986 %P 327-342 %K AI03 AA05 AI01 %X A system to handle naive physical reasoning in connection with simple physical objects such as can openers and transmission systems. The system works in brainstorming mode (to discover new devices ala Lenat) and problem solving mode. %A J. S. Gero %A M. Balachandran %T Knowledge and Design Decision Processes %B Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Problems %E D. Sriram %E R. Adey %V 1 %I Computational Mechanics Publications %C Woburn, Massachussetts %D 1986 %P 343-352 %K Pareto optimality optimization NISE %X design under conditions of Pareto optimality, that is with multiple items that need to be "optimized." Rules are used to reduce the time to compute the Pareto optimal set and to determine the shape of the optimal set qualitatively. %A D. Sriram %A M. L. Maher %T The Representation and Use of Constraints in Structural Design %B Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Problems %E D. Sriram %E R. Adey %V 1 %I Computational Mechanics Publications %C Woburn, Massachussetts %D 1986 %P 355-368 %K AA05 AI01 AI16 %X discussion of some of the knowledge engineering and constraint representation issues in the HI-RISE and ALL-RISE building design systems %A Navin Chandra %A David H. Marks %T Intelligent Use of Constraints for Activity Scheduling %B Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Problems %E D. Sriram %E R. Adey %V 1 %I Computational Mechanics Publications %C Woburn, Massachussetts %D 1986 %P 369-382 %K operations research scheduling AI01 AI03 %X A rule-based scheduling system and a language for representing constraints in a scheduling system %A David C. Brown %A Robert Breau %T Types of Constraints in Routine Design Problem-Solving %B Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Problems %E D. Sriram %E R. Adey %V 1 %I Computational Mechanics Publications %C Woburn, Massachussetts %D 1986 %P 383-390 %K AA05 package design AI16 AI01 %X discusses the work of those designing packaging for computer terminals and other equipment. Reviews observations on real engineers doing this work, various types of constraints that exist and methods used in failure handling to backtrack. %A Robert Milne %T Constraint Drive Distribution Scheduling %B Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Problems %E D. Sriram %E R. Adey %V 1 %I Computational Mechanics Publications %C Woburn, Massachussetts %D 1986 %P 391-399 %K AI01 AA18 %X describes expert systems to handle the fielding of equipment to large organizations including the handling of priorities of which group gets which equipment first and the disposition of old equipment being replaced. %A Bernt A. Bremdel %A Svein Kristiansen %T Concept Definition in Marine System Design %B Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Problems %E D. Sriram %E R. Adey %V 1 %I Computational Mechanics Publications %C Woburn, Massachussetts %D 1986 %P 403-421 %K AA03 AI01 AA05 %X describes goals of expert systems for the overall design of offshore oil drilling systems and the systems and plans to lift equipment onto an offshore structure being constructed. %A S. C. Y. Lu %A C. R. Blattner %T A Knowledge-Based Expert System for Drilling Station Design %B Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Problems %E D. Sriram %E R. Adey %V 1 %I Computational Mechanics Publications %C Woburn, Massachussetts %D 1986 %P 423-443 %K IDRILL AI01 AA26 %X An expert system for the design of drilling stations in large scale manufacturing transfer lines is described. %A Jack Aldridge %A John Cerutti %A Willard Draisin %A Michael Steuerwalt %T Expert Assistants for Design %B Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Problems %E D. Sriram %E R. Adey %V 1 %I Computational Mechanics Publications %C Woburn, Massachussetts %D 1986 %P 445-455 %K AI01 nuclear weopon AA05 AA26 AA18 AA28 PROCON APPRENTICE %X these systems provide an interface to simulation systems and although of general use, have been applied to nuclear warhead design. APPRENTICE provides graphical input and assists the engineer in designing. %A K. G. Swift %A A. Matthews %A C. Syan %T The Application of IKBS in Design for Assembly and Surface Treatment Selection %B Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Problems %E D. Sriram %E R. Adey %V 1 %I Computational Mechanics Publications %C Woburn, Massachussetts %D 1986 %P 459-471 %K AA26 AA05 AI01 %X The coating system chooses polymeric coatings for objects. It has achieved an error rate of 5% compared to human error rate of 3%. .br br The assembly system is resident in the CAD workstation and presents its data as annotations and proposed revisions %A Paul J. Nolan %T An Intelligent Assistant for Control System Design %B Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Problems %E D. Sriram %E R. Adey %V 1 %I Computational Mechanics Publications %C Woburn, Massachussetts %D 1986 %P 473-481 %K AA05 AI01 %X This expert system designs linear time-invariant control systems and includes the simplification into block diagrams or signal flow graphs to canonical form, selection of compensator type and analysis/ synthesis approach. %A B. S. Lim %A J. A. G. Knight %T Holdex - Holding Device Expert System %B Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Problems %E D. Sriram %E R. Adey %V 1 %I Computational Mechanics Publications %C Woburn, Massachussetts %D 1986 %P 483-493 %K AA26 AA05 AI01 %X A system for tooling design in manufacturing. The discussion emphasizes the type of drilling to be used. It also appears that there is an interface to PADL for getting geometric information about the part to be manufactured. %A Jacques Calmet %A Denis Lugiez %T A Knowledge-Based System for Computer Algebra %J SIGSAM Bulletin %V 21 %N 1 %D FEB 1987 %P 7-13 %K AA15 AI14 %X outline of such a system, includes a description of software engineering aspects as well. %A Monique Grandbastien %A Jean Maroldt %T Towards an Expert System for Troubleshooting Diagnosis in Large Industrial Plants %B Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Problems %E D. Sriram %E R. Adey %V 1 %I Computational Mechanics Publications %C Woburn, Massachussetts %D 1986 %P 503-511 %K AA20 AA21 AA05 AI01 %X A demonstration expert system for a gas blast furnace was developed with emphasis on the gas analysis aspects. A complete expert system is being prototyped. %A A. DiLeva %A P. Giolito %T Data Models and Process Models for Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems %B Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Problems %E D. Sriram %E R. Adey %V 1 %I Computational Mechanics Publications %C Woburn, Massachussetts %D 1986 %P 513-526 %K AA26 AA21 AA05 AI01 AA09 AI16 petri net entity relation model %X The Entity Relation Model for Databases and a Transaction Definition Language as well as Petri Nets are used to represent manufacturing systems. %A P. J. Nolan %A M. A. McCarthy %T AI Frame-Based Simulation in System Dynamics %B Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Problems %E D. Sriram %E R. Adey %V 1 %I Computational Mechanics Publications %C Woburn, Massachussetts %D 1986 %P 527-538 %K AA11 AA28 continuous system simulation CSMP dynamo frame %X This system provides a representation for common components of social and biological continuous system simulations such as simple inventory system, time delay population model, and summing junction. This provides a way for the user to specify DYNAMO and CSMP simulations at a higher level. %A D. L. Crandall %T Automated Valve Expertise Capture %B Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Problems %E D. Sriram %E R. Adey %V 1 %I Computational Mechanics Publications %C Woburn, Massachussetts %D 1986 %P 539-544 %K AI01 AA05 component selection %X This system is used in experimental energy production equipment design for the selection of valves. In addition to comparing the valve request with a data base, it invokes special features for special problems in valve selection such as high temperature requirements. %A W. A. Taylor %T Development of a Knowledge Based System for Process Planning in Welding %B Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Problems %E D. Sriram %E R. Adey %V 1 %I Computational Mechanics Publications %C Woburn, Massachussetts %D 1986 %P 545-562 %K metallurgy hardenability steel AI01 AA05 AA26 offshore oil wells %X This rule based expert system develops appropriate welding procedures for arc welding a specific range of steel grades. %A H. C. Brockelsby %A D. L. Crandall %T Information Processing in the Non-Homogenous Environment %B Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Problems %E D. Sriram %E R. Adey %V 1 %I Computational Mechanics Publications %C Woburn, Massachussetts %D 1986 %P 563-572 %K AA05 %X describes the engineering functions at Idaho National Engineering Laboratory and how they can be served by an integrated engineering automation system which would probably include AI components. %A D. E. Reynolds %A C. B. Boulton %A S. C. Martin %T AI Applied to Real Time Control: A Case Study %B Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Problems %E D. Sriram %E R. Adey %V 1 %I Computational Mechanics Publications %C Woburn, Massachussetts %D 1986 %P 573-583 %K AI01 AI09 AI06 AA19 AA18 %X Applications to the control of a mine hunting surface ship which typifies problems in which standard multi-variable control theory can be used but different control strategies must be used at various times while the system is running. The system uses "plan scripts" to structure the database of actions and uses signal interpretation to determine what state it is in.