[comp.ai.digest] Seminar - Equivalences of Logic Programs



DATE :                   Tuesday, April 21st

SPEAKER:                  Michael J. Maher

TITLE: 	             Equivalences of Logic Programs

AFFILIATION:  		IBM T.J. Watson Center

TIME: 1:30 pm
PLACE:  Hill 423

One of the most important  relationships between programs in any
programming language is the equivalence of such programs.   This
relationship is at the  basis of most,  if not all,  programming
methodologies.   This  talk provides a systematic  comparison of
the  relative  strengths of various  formulations of equivalence
for logic  programs.   These  formulations arise  naturally from
several  well-known  formal  semantics.   These  comparisons are
useful  in  reasoning  about  program behavior,  verification of
correctness and  termination of programs,  the correctness of ad
hoc  source-to-source  transformations such as occur in  program
development, and, at a more abstract level, the establishment of
the correctness and other properties of automated transformation
systems which can  be used both in  program development and as a
pre-compilation optimization.


DATE :               Friday, April 24

SPEAKER:       	    Dr. Susan Epstein

TITLE: 	      An Introduction to GT, the Graph Theorist

AFFILIATION:       Hunter College (CUNY)

TIME: 1:30 (Coffee and Cookies will be setup after the talk at 2:30)

PLACE:  Hill 705
	GT, the Graph Theorist, is a knowledge-intensive, domain-specific
learning system which uses algorithmic class descriptions to
discover new mathematical concepts and relations among them.  
GT is based upon a set of powerful
representation languages for object classes.  The definition of a graph theory
concept is an expression in one of these languages.  
	GT generates correct examples of any of its concepts, constructs new  
concepts, and conjectures and proves relations among concepts.  Beginning 
from only the concept of "graph," GT has developed its own version of graph 
theory and discovered such concepts as "tree," "acyclic," "connected,"
and "bipartite."  GT has also conjectured and then proved such theorems as 
"The set of acyclic, connected graphs is precisely the set of trees" and
"There is no odd-regular graph on an odd number of vertices."
	This talk presents initial results and outlines the theoretical
foundations for this work.