[comp.ai.digest] Checking Rule-Based Expert Systems

gjoly@CS.UCL.AC.UK ("G. Joly", Birkbeck) (04/22/87)

Below is a list of the references I have received to date on
the various aspects of checking rule-based systems, together
with some related items.

Gordon Joly,
Dept. of Computer Science,
Birkbeck College,
University of London.

ARPA: gjoly@cs.ucl.ac.uk
BITNET: UBACW59%uk.ac.bbk.cu@AC.UK
UUCP: ...{seismo,decvax,ucbvax}!mcvax!ukc!bbk-cs!gordon

%A F. Barachini
%T Konsistenzprufung von Wissensbasen medizinischer Expertensysteme
(Consistency checking of knowledge bases of medical expert systems)
%I thesis, Tech. Univ. Vienna, Austria
%D Feb 1984
%P 153 (in German)
%K consistency

%A Blum, R.L.
%T Computer-Assisted Design of Studies Using Routine Clinical Data:
Analyzing the Association of Prednisone and Serum Cholesterol
%J Annals of Internal Medicine
%V 104
%N 6
%P 858-868
%D June, 1986

%A Boose, John H
%A Bradshaw, Jeffrey  M
%T A Knowledge Acquisition Workbench for Eliciting Decision Knowledge
%B Proceedings of the Twentieth Annual International Conference
on System Sciences
%P 450-459
%D 1987

%A Robert S Boyer (ed)
%A J Strother Moore (ed)
%T The Correctness Problem in Computer Science
%I Academic Press
%D 1981

%A Manfred Broy
%A Bernhard Moller
%A Peter Pepper
%A Martin Wirsing
%T Algebraic Implementations Preserve Program Correctness
%J Sci Comput. Programming
%V 7
%D 1986
%N 1
%P 35-53

%A W. Chehire
%T SYPRUC: a knowledge representation and manipulation system
%B 6th International Workshop on Expert Systems and their Applications
%C Avignon, France
%D April 1986
%P 933-946 (in French)
%K consistency

%A Eshelman, Larry 
%A McDermott, John
%T MOLE: A Knowledge Acquisition Tool That Uses Its Head
%J Proceedings of the American Association of Artificial Intelligence
%P 950-955
%D 1986.

%A D. W. Etherington
%T Formalizing Nonmonotonic Reasoning Systems
%J Artificial Intelligence
%V 31
%N 1
%D 1987
%P 41-86

%A Ginsberg, Allen
%T A Metalinguistic Approach to the Construction of Knowledge
Base Refinement Systems
%B Proceedings of the American Association of Artificial Intelligence
%P 436-441
%D 1986

%A Ginsberg, Allen
%A Weiss, Sholom 
%A Politakis, Peter
%T SEEK2: A Generalized Approach to Automatic Knowledge Base Refinement
%B Proceedings of the Ninth International Joint Conference on Artificial
%P 367-374
%D 1985

%A E. J. Horwitz
%A D. E. Heckerman
%T The Inconsistent use of Measures of Certainty in Artificial
Intelligence Research
%E Kanal
%B Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence
%I North Holland
%D 1986

%A H. Langmaack
%T A New Transformational Approach to Partial Correctness Proof Calculi
for ALGOL68-Like Programs with Finite Modes and Simple Side Effects
%P 73-102
%D 1985

%A Loveland, D.W.
%A Valtorta, M.
%T Detecting Ambiguity: An Example in Knowledge Evaluation
%B Eigth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
%P 182-184
%D 1983

%A Jim A. McMannama
%T A Non-cognitive Formal Approach to Knowledge Representation in 
Artificial Intelligence
%I US Air Force Institute of Technology (University MicroFilms).
%D 1986

%A Michalski, R.S.
%A Baskin, A.B.
%A Spackman, K.A.
%T A Logic Approach to Conceptual Database Analysis
%B Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Symposium on Computer 
Applications in Medical Care
%P 792-796
%D 1982

%A Michalski R.S.
%A Baskin, A.B.
%A Uhrik, C.
%A Channic, T.
%T The ADVISE.1 Meta-Expert System: The General Design and a
Technical Description
%R Report No. UIUCDCS-F-87-962, Department of Computer Science
University of Illinois, Urbana
%D 1987

%A Nguyen, T. A.
%T Verifying Consistency of Production Systems
%B Proc. of the 3rd IEEE Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications
%C Orlando, Florida
%P 4-8
%D February 1987

%A Nguyen, T.A.
%A Perkins, W.A.
%A Laffey, T.J.
%A Pecora, D.
%T Checking an Expert Systems Knowledge Base for Consistency
and Completeness,
%B Ninth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
%P 375-378
%D 1985

%A E. Pipard
%T Detection of contradictions in knowledge bases
%B 5th International Workshop on Expert Systems and their Applications
%C Avignon, France
%D May 1985
%P 995-1010 (in French)
%K consistency

%A P. G. Politakis
%A Sholom M. Weiss
%R Technical Report CBM-TR-113
%I Rutgers University, Department of Computer Science
%T Designing Consistent Knowledge Bases:
An Knowledge Acquisition Approach to Expert Systems
%D September 1980
%D March 1982
%K consistency

%A P. G. Politakis
%A Sholom M. Weiss
%T Using Empirical Analysis to Refine Expert System Knowledge Bases
%J Artificial Intelligence
%V 22
%N 1
%P 23-48
%D 1984

%A Quinlan, J.R.
%T Consistency and Plausible Reasoning
%B Eigth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence
%P 137-144
%D 1983

%A Reubenstein, Howard B.
%T OPMAN: An OPS5 Rule Base Editing and Maintenance Package
%B Master's Thesis, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
%P 115
%D 1985

%A Reinke, Robert E.
%T Knowledge Acquisition and Refinement Tools for the ADVISE
Meta-Expert System
%R Report No. UIUCDCS-F-84-921
%I Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois
%D 1984.

%A J. T. St.Johanser
%A R. M. Harbidge
%T Validating expert systems: problems and solutions in practice
%B KBS 86: Knowledge Based Systems. Proc. of the International Conference
%C London, England
%D July 1986
%P 215-219
%K validation

%A Spackman, Kent Alan
%T QUIN: Integration of Inferential Operators in a Relational Database
%B Masters Thesis
%I Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois, Urbana Illinois
%D 1982.

%A Stachowitz, Rolf A.
%A Combs, Jacqueline B.
%T Validation of Expert Systems
%B Proceedings of the Twentieth Annual Hawaii Conference on System Sciences
%P 686-695
%D 1987

%A R. Steinmetz
%A S. Theissen
%T Integration of Petri nets into a tool for consistency checking of expert
systems with rule-based knowledge representation
%B 6th European Workshop on Applications and Theory of Petri Nets
%C Espoo, Finland
%D June 1985
%P 35-52
%K consistency

%A Suwa, W.
%A Scott, A.C.
%A Shortliffe, E.H.
%T An Approach to Verifying Completeness and Consistency in a Rule-Based
Expert System
%J AI Magazine
%P 16-21
%D Fall 1982.

%A Adrian Walker (Ed.)
%A Michael McCord
%A John F. Sowa
%A Walter G. Wilson
%T Knowledge Systems and Prolog -  A Logical Approach to Expert Systems
and Natural Language Processing (Addison-Wesley)
%D 1987

%A Wilkins, David C.
%A Buchanan, Bruce G.
%T On Debugging Rule Sets When Reasoning Under Uncertainty
%B Proceedings of the American Association of Artificial Intelligence
%P 448-454
%D 1986.

The following will appear in the proceedings of the Avignon-87 meeting,
"Expert Systems and their Applications", May 15-18 1987, Avingnon, France.

G. Soula et al: A multi-validation of the PROTIS expert system.
S. Puuronen: A tabular rule-checking method
M.-C. Rousset: On knowledge-base validity: The COVADIS system.
E.F. Miller: Expert systems validation and verification: 
Issues and approaches.