[comp.ai.digest] Seminar - Explaining and Refining Decision-Theoretic Choices

tim@LINC.CIS.UPENN.EDU.UUCP (04/29/87)

		       Doctoral Thesis Proposal
			      Dave Klein
		   Computer and Information Science
		      University of Pennsylvania

As the need to make complex choices among competing alternative actions
is ubiquitous, the reasoning machinery of many intelligent systems will
include an explicit model for making choices. Decision analysis is
particularly useful for modelling such choices, and its potential for use
in intelligent systems motivates the construction of facilities for
automatically explaining decision-theoretic choices and for helping
users to incrementally refine the knowledge underlying them.

The proposed thesis addresses the problem of providing such
facilities.  Specifically, we propose the construction of a
domain-independent facility called UTIL for explaining and refining a
restricted but widely applicable decision-theoretic model called the
additive multiattribute value model. We anticipate that this research
will provide contributions to both AI and decision analysis. In this
talk, the relevant issues are addressed in the context of examples
from the domain of intelligent process control.

                      Thursday, 30 April 1987
                             10:00 AM
                     5th floor conference room

  Dr. T.W. Finin (advisor)
  Dr. N.I. Badler (chairman)
  Dr. A.K. Joshi
  Dr. E.K. Clemons (Wharton/Penn CIS)
  Dr. E.H. Shortliffe (Stanford)
  Dr. M.O. Weber (Institute fuer Wirtschaftswissenschaften, RWTH Aachen,