[comp.ai.digest] Conference - OOPSLA-87

fordyce@ti-csl.UUCP.UUCP (06/05/87)

        OBJECT-ORIENTED DATABASE WORKSHOP: Implementation Aspects

                 To be held in conjunction with the              

                 Object-oriented Programming Systems, 
          Languages and Applications (OOPSLA-87) Conference

                         October 5, 1987               

                         Orlando, Florida

Object-oriented database systems combine the streangths of
object-oriented programming systems and data models, and database
systems.  This half-day workshop will be held on Monday morning, October
5, 1987.  The goal of the workshop is to study the implementation
aspects of object-oriented database systems.  The workshop will focus on
issues such as object fault management, storage management (buffering,
prefetching, clustering, etc.), object persistence, object sharing,
transactions on objects, concurrency control, recovery, and performance

The workshop panel will consist of: Timothy Andrewes (Ontologic), Umesh
Dayal (Computer Corporation of America), Prof.  David Maier (Oregon
Graduate Center and Servio Logic), Patrick O'Brien (Digital Equipment
Corporation), Prof.  Lawrence Rowe (University of California at
Berkeley), Prof.  Alfred Spector (Carnegie-Mellon University), David
Wells (Texas Instruments), and Prof.  Stan Zdonik (Brown University).
In the first 90 minutes, each panel member will present his position.
This will be followed by questions from the workshop participants and

To encourage vigorous interactions and exchange of ideas between the
participants, the workshop will be limited to 50 qualified participants.
If you are interested in attending the workshop, please submit three
copies of a single page abstract to the workshop chairman describing
your work related to the implementation issues of object-oriented
database systems.  The workshop participants will be selected based on the
relevance and significance of their work described in the abstract.
There will be no proceedings for the workshop.

Abstracts should be submitted to the workshop chairman by August 1,
1987.  Selected participants will be notified by September 1, 1987

Workshop Chairman:

Dr. Satish M. Thatte
Manager, Database Systems Branch
Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
Texas Instruments Incorporated
P.O. Box 226015, M/S 238
Dallas, TX 75266

Phone: (214)-995-0340
CSNet: Thatte@TI-CSL

Regards, David