Office Knowledge: Representation, Management and Utilization University of Toronto IFIP WG8.4 Workshop Program For information contact: Fred Lochovsky, fred@csri.toronto.edu Monday, August 17th, 1987 8:00-9:00 Registration 9:00-9:15 Workshop Opening Remarks 9:15-10:45 Session: Invited Talk Objects and Things. D. Tsichritzis, Universite de Geneve, Switzerland 11:15-12:45 Session: Supporting Organizational Activities Ubik: A System for Conceptual and Organizational Development. P. de Jong, MIT, U.S.A. KNOOM - KNowledge Oriented Office Model Representation of Knowledge in the Office. M. Hofmann, Universitaet Wien, Austria OTM: A Language for Representing Concurrent Office Tasks. J. Hogg, University of Toronto, Canada 2:00-3:30 Session: Invited Talk Representing Office Work with Goals and Constraints. W.B. Croft, University of Massachusetts, U.S.A. 4:00-5:30 Session: Representing, Querying and Generating Office Objects Time Management in the Office-net System. R. Maiocchi, R. Zicari, Politecnico di Milano, Italy, M. Fugini, Universita di Brescia, Italy Towards a Graphic Query Interface for Complex Objects. G. Lausen, Universitaet Mannheim, West Germany, A. Oberweis, Technische Hochschule Darmstadt, West Germany Knowledge Representation and Utilization in Automatic Office Form Generation. K. Watabe, K. Tsuruoka, NEC Corporation, Japan 5:30-6:30 Reception 6:30-7:30 Demonstration Meta-Data for Automating the Management of Office Information. R.E.A. Mason, A. Benjamin, J.R. Tessier, Online People Inc., Canada _________________________________________________________________ Tuesday, August 18th, 1987 9:00-10:30 Session: Invited Talk Organizational Semantics. C. Hewitt, MIT, U.S.A. 11:00-12:30 Session: Problem Solving An Office Environment to Support Problem Solving. P.W.G. Bots, H.G. Sol, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands Generic Knowledge in Office Activities. A.A. Araya, M.J. Stefik, Xerox PARC, U.S.A. EXPERTNET: An Approach to Resource Sharing on a Network of Workstations. A. Allam, Northern Telecom Canada Ltd., Canada, G.M. White, University of Ottawa, Canada 2:00-3:30 Session: Text and Pictures Semantics and Conceptual Modelling of Documents. F. Barbic, S. Daneluzzi, F. Garzotto, S. Mainetti, P. Paolini, Politecnico di Milano, Italy Knowledge-Based Text Processing in Office Environments: The Text Condensation System TOPIC. U. Hahn, Universitaet Passau, West Germany, U. Reimer, Universitaet Konstanz, West Germany Knowledge Base for Storage and Retrieval of Pictures. B. Beetz, SEL Research Center, West Germany 4:00-5:30 Session: Poster Session Artificial Intelligence and Organizational Design: Prospects of Integrating Two Perspectives. U. Frank, Universitaet Mannheim, West Germany Intermediate Knowledge Representation for Extended Office Systems. E.S. Cordingley, University of Surrey, England Intelligent Interfaces for Office Information Systems. B.C. Desai, Concordia University, Canada, C. Frasson, J. Vaucher, Universite de Montreal, Canada Managing Office Knowledge through Conceptual Structures. G. Berg-Cross, Advanced Decision Systems, U.S.A. Picture Management on Optical Disks: A Practical Approach on Micro-computers. S. Miranda, N. Le Thanh, A.C. Salgado, E. Borelli-Vittori, Universite de Nice, France Managing Replicas in Distributed Telephone/Address Directories. H.M. Gladney, IBM Almaden Research Center, U.S.A. 7:30 Banquet _________________________________________________________________ Wednesday, August 19th, 1987 9:00-10:30 Session: Invited Talk NICK: Intelligent Computer Supported Cooperative Work. C. Ellis, MCC, U.S.A. 11:00-12:30 Session: Office Communication Solving the Connection Problem. M.S. Mazer, University of Toronto, Canada Viewing Communication as a Problem Solving Activity: An Enrichment Towards Supporting Cooperative Office Work. C.C. Woo, F.H. Lochovsky, University of Toronto, Canada CHAOS: A Knowledge-Based System for Conversing Inside Offices. F. De Cindio, C. Simone, R. Vassallo, A. Zanaboni, Universita di Milano, Italy 2:00-3:30 IFIP WG8.4 Business Meeting