[comp.ai.digest] Conference - SLUG '87 Reminder


This is a reminder that the national meeting of the 

                      Symbolics Lisp Users Group

will be held in Seattle, July 6-10th.  You may register in advance by
calling the University of Washington at (206) 543-2300.

The conference schedule is listed below.  Note particularly the  panel
discussions  on  Thursday  and  Friday  that  will  examine  available
alternatives   to   the   Symbolics   Lisp   development   environment
architecture and consider what trade-offs are involved.

This is THE Lisp machine conference.  Don't miss it!

                          SLUG '87 Schedule

		  July 6-10, 1987 - Seattle, Washington

  MONDAY -- (tutorials)
	   Registration desk opens
      9:00 to 12:30
	  * AI Program Design
	  * Overview of Site Administration
	  * Color Graphics I
      2:00 to 5:30
	  * AI Program Design (cont'd)
	  * Overview of Site Administration (cont'd)
	  * Color Graphics II
	  * Color Graphics III

  TUESDAY -- (tutorials)
	   Registration desk opens
      9:00 to 12:30
	  * Programming Productivity I
	  * Introduction to ART
	  * Building Knowledge System Interfaces
      2:00 to 5:30
	  * Programming Productivity II
	  * Introduction to ART (cont'd)
      7:00 - 9:00

  WEDNESDAY -- (conference sessions)
	   Registration desk opens
      9:00 to 12:30
	  * Welcome & Opening remarks
	  * State of SLUG
	  * Symbolics Corporate Status Report
	  * Software & Hardware Support
	  * Technical Status Report
	  * New Product Announcements
	  * General and Reverse Q & A
      2:00 to 6:00
	  * Software Engineering on LISP Machines
	  * Symbolic Computing for New Users
	  * General Technical Q & A
      Evening --  BOAF (Birds Of A Feather)
	  * Critique of the Symbolics User Interface -- GNU EMACS and HP's 
	      NMODE both present a novel way of interacting with LISP.
	      Is the LISP machine paradigm better?  This meeting will drive
	      tomorrow afternoon's
	  * New user training: Sharing insights, techniques, and introductory
	    materials for new users.
	  * Symbolics maintenance issues.
    THURSDAY -- (conference sessions)
      9:00 to 12:30
	  * Common LISP -- What is the status of Common LISP the Language?  
	      Classes?  Common Windows?  Error handling?
	  * SLUG Library -- What's new and available?
	  * Networks -- VMS, UNIX, DECNET, IP-TCP, Namespaces, 
	      Domain Resolution, etc.
	  * Non-LISP Language Support -- PROLOG, ADA, FORTRAN, PASCAL, C, etc.
      2:00 to 5:30
	  * LISPM pearls -- An informal presentation of useful but little 
	      known LISP machine features and capabilities.
	  * Critique of the Symbolics User Interface -- See yesterday's BOAF.
	  * Technical Q & A
    FRIDAY -- (conference sessions)
      9:00 to 12:30
	  * Trade-offs in LISP (development) environments -- This is a panel
	      discussion of the differences between developing LISP software 
	      on different workstation architectures.
	  * Conference Summary & Feedback
	  * SLUG Business Meeting
      2:00 to 3:30
	  * Expert Systems Session