nancy@GRASP.CIS.UPENN.EDU (Nancy Orlando) (07/17/87)
Are there any "accepted" methods of writing code that minimize a LISP's tendancy to garbage-collect? I don't mean a switch to turn it off; just a means of minimizing the need for it. I'm dealing particularly with DEC VAX lisp. I have assumed that iteration as opposed to recursion was one way; is this correct? Are there other techniques? Nancy Sliwa or
Chester@UDEL.EDU (07/21/87)
The direct way to avoid garbage collection in lisp is to define your own `cons' function that prefers to get cell pairs from an `available list', calling the regular `cons' only when the `available list' is empty. A `reclaim' function that puts cell pairs on the `available list' (using `rplacd') will be needed also. See any book on data structures. The technique can be used for cell pairs and gensym atoms, if needed, but in my experience, not with strings or numbers. String manipulations can usually be avoided, but a program that crunches a lot of numbers cannot avoid consuming memory and eventually triggering garbage collection (at least in VAX lisp). I wish there were some way for a user to reclaim numbers so that they could be reused as cell pairs can. If so, I could write all my lisp programs so that they don't need to garbage collect. It would also be nice to have a built-in `reclaim' function that would work in conjunction with the built-in `cons'; it would be dangerous for novices, but handy for the experienced. By the way, recursion in itself doesn't cause garbage collection; VAX lisp is smart enough to reclaim the memory used for the function stack automatically. Daniel Chester ("J. A. "Biep" Durieux") (07/22/87)
In article <8707202143.aa23792@Dewey.UDEL.EDU> Chester@UDEL.EDU writes: >The direct way to avoid garbage collection in lisp is to define your own `cons' >function that prefers to get cell pairs from an `available list' (...). Also handy in many cases (small functions like append, alist-functions, subst) is icons: (defun icons (a d cell) (cond ((and (eq (car cell) a) (eq (cdr cell) d)) cell) (t (cons a d)))) In this way whenever it turns out the new cells weren't really needed, the old ones are used again (as in (append x nil)). Be aware, however, that your copy-function may not work any more if it's defined as (subst nil nil x)! -- Biep. ( via mcvax) Never confound beauty with truth!
nesliwa%telemail@AMES.ARPA (NANCY E. SLIWA) (07/29/87)
My thanks to all the respondants to my question about garbage collection suppression. As several people asked for the results, I'm posting it for all: Date: Friday, 17 July 1987 07:32-CDT From: nancy at (Nancy Orlando) Are there any "accepted" methods of writing code that minimize a LISP's tendancy to garbage-collect? I don't mean a switch to turn it off; just a means of minimizing the need for it. I'm dealing particularly with DEC VAX lisp. I have assumed that iteration as opposed to recursion was one way; is this correct? From: Chester@UDEL.EDU Subject: Re: Garbage Collection Suppression The direct way to avoid garbage collection in lisp is to define your own `cons function that prefers to get cell pairs from an `available list', calling the regular `cons' only when the `available list' is empty. A `reclaim' function that puts cell pairs on the `available list' (using `rplacd') will be needed also. See any book on data structures. The technique can be used for cell pairs and gensym atoms, if needed, but in my experience, not with strings or numbers. String manipulations can usually be avoided, but a program that crunches a lot of numbers cannot avoid consuming memory and eventually triggering garbage collection (at least in VAX lisp). I wish there were some way for a user to reclaim numbers so that they could be reused as cell pairs can. If so, I could write all my lisp programs so that they don't need to garbage collect. It would also be nice to have a built-in `reclaim' function that would work in conjunction with the built-in `cons'; it would be dangerous for novices, but handy for the experienced. By the way, recursion in itself doesn't cause garbage collection; VAX lisp is smart enough to reclaim the memory used for the function stack automatically. Daniel Chester Date: Mon, 20 Jul 87 01:36:44 PDT From: woutput@ji.Berkeley.EDU (Andrew Purshottam) Subject: Re: Garbage Collection Suppression Forgive me if my response is too trivial, but you ommited the most important technqiue for reducing gc use, limiting the use, implict and explict, of cons. Particularly nasty is the use of append or append1 (not sure what that is called in CL) to build up a list by adding elements to its end. This method uses O(n^2) cons cells, where n is the length of list built. Standard solutions include the use of "accumulators", arguments which hold a partial result which is modified in inner recursions and finally returned as value when the function returns; building the list backword and maybe reversing it at end; nconc, which uses O(n^2) time but only O(n) space; or tconc structures, which keep a pointer to the end of the list. (In prolog we have a cute method avail, putting an uninstantiated element at the end of the list, effectively a "hole" that can be filled by an element and another hole). Not also that some popular functional programming techniques, particularly those involving streams and higher order procedures are quite greedy in cons cells, as they build intermediate lists, most of whose elements are thrown away. The apply-append-mapcar trick, the set functions like (filter 'pred 'list), union, and intersect all do this if implemented in the obvious way, with the sets represented and fully computed lists. The Black Book (Charniak/McDerrmot, AI Programming) discusses more eff. ways to deal with this using generators, where no more elements are computed than needed. (See also Abelson/Sussman for a very readable (we inflict it on freshman!) discussion of delay and force). Again, excuse if this is too simple, no offense intended. Andy -- Cheers, Andy (...!ucbvax!woutput (cond ((lovep you (quote LISP)) (honk)) (t (return ()))) Date: Mon, 20 Jul 1987 05:32 CDT From: AI.DUFFY@R20.UTEXAS.EDU Subject: Garbage Collection Suppression No. You make garbage when you create data structures. Recursion v. iteration has nothing to do with it, unless VAXlisp is more brain-damaged than I already know it to be. Are there other techniques? Use destructive list operations (e.g., NCONC instead of APPEND) when you can. If you have any arrays, structures, etc., that you are using temporarily, you can resource them (make a bunch of them and push them onto a list, pop one off when you want to use it, and when you are finished with it, nullify its slots and push it back onto the list). Your best bet, of course, is to get more memory. Date: 20 Jul 87 09:32:01 edt From: Walter Hamscher <> Subject: Garbage Collection Suppression Iteration vs. Recursion is orthogonal. By using recursion where you could have used iteration, you may be using _stack_ space, but that's trivially `garbage collected' every time you return from a function (this is non-tail recursion I'm talking about). The only surefire way to reduce garbage collection is to call CONS and and MAKE-ARRAY (and things that call them) less often. There are a number of implications of that for coding style (e.g. pass functions down instead of passing consed structures up), but using iteration is not one of them. Date: Mon, 20 Jul 1987 10:12 EDT From: "Scott E. Fahlman" <Fahlman@C.CS.CMU.EDU> Subject: Consing Nancy, In order to avoid GC's, you have to write your code in a way that avoids consing up data structures, especially in inner loops. In the Vax Common Lisp, I think that recursion is faster than the equivalent iteration, but consing is not the reason; what you're seeing is the difference between access to just a few variables (in registers or in the cache) versus spreading out copies of those registers on the stack, with all the associated memory references for pushing and popping. How to avoid consing in any given Comon Lisp is a complex topic. Perhaps the DEC people have some training materials on how to do this in their Lisp. But there are a few things to watch for: Make sure all your code is compiled. A lot of Lisps cons furiously in the interpreter while consing very much less in compiled code. If you are consing up vectors and strings in some inner loop solely for communication with other routines, consider passing the info in a single pre-allocated vector instead. Some Lisps cons when passing &rest args and &keyword args. Check this. Often a bit of Consing can make code clearer and easier to maintain. Find who is doing the consing that is bothering you and squeeze that part of the code for maximum efficiency; don't just squeeze everything, because maintainability will be harmed. -- Scott Fahlman Date: Mon, 20 Jul 87 10:15:53 EDT From: Mario O. Bourgoin <mob@MEDIA-LAB.MEDIA.MIT.EDU> Subject: Re: Garbage Collection Suppression Hello, What you want to do is avoid storage allocation operations. Most of the methods for doing this are implementation dependant. For example, in Scheme iteration constructs expand to tail-recursive calls so there's no point in trying to change function calls to do-loops. Furthermore, good Lisp implementations optimize function calls since they are the most used operation; they are usually cheaper than the looping alternatives. Lisp compilers can usually do excellent optimizations if you use the implemetation's features. For example, ZetaLisp offers a LOOP iteration macro which allows the programmer to communicate to the compiler the necessary information for the latter to produce the most efficient code possible. What you can do reliably is to avoid using operations that cons a lot such as `append' and use their structure modifying alternatives such as `nconc'. You should be careful to write your programs with the modifying operations from the beginning to avoid encountering problems with them if you change over from the consing operations. Remember that operations such as the arithmetic functions must allocate storage for their result. It might be worth your while to code basic operations and inner loops in another language such as `C' to avoid allocation. --Mario O. Bourgoin (This next was is response to a follow-up request of mine, asking if call-outs to non-lisp external routines helped decrease garbage collection.) Date: Thu, 23 Jul 87 9:11:18 EDT From: Chester@UDEL.EDU Subject: Re: garbagecollection We have no experience with calling out to another language just to do number crunching. My guess is that the overhead of switching languages and of communicating between them and lisp would be too much, but that is just a guess. If you find out differently, let me know. Date: 22 Jul 87 14:28:51 GMT From: "J. A. \"Biep\" Durieux" <mcvax!!biep@seismo.CSS.GOV> Subject: Re: Garbage Collection Suppression In article <8707202143.aa23792@Dewey.UDEL.EDU> Chester@UDEL.EDU writes: >The direct way to avoid garbage collection in lisp is to define your own `con >function that prefers to get cell pairs from an `available list' (...). Also handy in many cases (small functions like append, alist-functions, subst) is icons: (defun icons (a d cell) (cond ((and (eq (car cell) a) (eq (cdr cell) d)) cell) (t (cons a d)))) In this way whenever it turns out the new cells weren't really needed, the old ones are used again (as in (append x nil)). Be aware, however, that your copy-function may not work any more if it's defined as (subst nil nil x)! -- Biep. ( via mcvax) ***************************************************************************** I also noticed that the current (Aug.-Sept. 87) issue of LISP Pointers has two good articles about garbage collection: "Overview of Garbage Collection in Symbolic Computing," by Timothy J. McEntree (TI) and "Address/Memory Management For A Gigantic LISP Environment or, GC Considered Harmful," by Jon L. White (MIT). LISP Pointers subscriptions are available from: LISP Pointers Mary S. Van Deusen, Editor IBM Watson Research PO Box 704 Yorktown Heights, NY 10598