[comp.ai.digest] Seminar - Object-Based Knowledge Representation Systems

joe@wiley.UUCP.UUCP (08/04/87)

                   [Forwarded from the Stanford bboard.]


     FROM:    JOSEPH W. SULLIVAN  O/90-06  B/259  354-5213
     DATE:    1 August 1987

     The Lockheed AI Center is pleased to announce a  presentation  by
     Dr.   Peter  F.   Patel-Schneider  of  the Schlumberger Palo Alto
     Research.  An abstract of the presentation is provided below.

            Weak, Object-Based Knowledge Representation Systems
                       Dr. Peter F. Patel-Schneider

     Recent work in semantics  for  terminological  logics  --  logics
     about  the  relationship between classes -- has demonstrated that
     the  tradeoff  between   expressive   power   and   computational
     tractability  in such logics can be circumvented.  This indicates
     that tractable object-based knowledge representation systems  can
     be  built,  albeit  at  the  cost  of weakening deduction.  These
     systems, because of their tractability, could be  used  in  large
     knowledge-based  systems.  Their representational semantics would
     provide a cleaner foundation for object-oriented  knowledge-based
     systems  than do object-oriented programming systems, the systems
     currently used to build object-oriented knowledge-based  systems.
     This  cleaner  foundation  means  that  fewer complications would
     arise in the building and analysis  of  knowledge-based  systems,
     thus making these difficult tasks easier.

                   DATE:   19 August 1987
                   TIME:   3:30
                   PLACE:  Lockheed Artificial Intelligence Center
                           Main Conference Room
                           2710 Sand Hill Rd. (Lockheed Bld. #259)
                           Menlo Park