[comp.ai.digest] Conference - Logic in Computer Science

MAVARDI@WEIZMANN.BITNET (Moshe Vardi) (08/05/87)

                          CALL FOR PAPERS
                      THIRD ANNUAL SYMPOSIUM ON
                      LOGIC IN COMPUTER SCIENCE

                            5-8 July 1988
              University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland

 Concepts  and  methods  from  Logic  are  influential throughout  Computer
 Science.  The Annual  IEEE Symposium on  Logic in Computer Science  (LICS)
 aims to attract  broad participation of Computer Scientists,  whose design
 or research activities involve Logic, and Logicians interested in Computer
 Science.   Suggested  (but  not  exclusive)  topics  of interest  include:
 abstract  data  types,  computer theorem proving,  concurrency,  data base
 theory,   knowledge  representation,   finite  model  theory,  lambda  and
 combinatory  calculi,  logic  programming,   modal  and  temporal  logics,
 program logic and semantics, software specification, types and categories,
 constructive mathematics, verification.

  PROGRAM COMMITTEE:   M. Dezani, Y. Gurevich (chair), J. Halpern, C.A.R.
  Hoare,  G. Huet,  P. Kanellakis,  J.-L.Lassez,  J. Mitchell, R. Platek,
  G.  Plotkin,  S. Rosenschein,  P. Sistla,  J. Tiuryn,  M. Wand

  PAPER SUBMISSION:    Send 14 copies of an extended abstract to the
  program chairman:

       Yuri Gurevich - LICS                 (313) 971-2652
       Electrical Engineering and            Yuri_Gurevich@um.cc.umich.edu
          Computer Science Department
       University of Michigan
       Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-2122

 The package must be airmail postmarked by 27 NOVEMBER 1987 or received by
 4  DECEMBER  1987.  The abstract  should be  clearly written and  provide
 sufficient detail to allow the program committee  to assess the merits of
 the  paper.   References  and  comparisons with  related  work  should be
 included where  appropriate.   The  entire  extended  abstract should not
 exceed 10 double-spaced pages in  10 or 12-point font.  Late abstracts or
 those  departing significantly  from these guidelines  run a high risk of
 not  being  considered.   If  a copier  is not available to the author, a
 single copy of the abstract will do.

 The authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection by 27 JANUARY
 1988. Accepted papers, typed on special forms for inclusion in the
 symposium proceedings, will be due 14 MARCH 1988.

 The  symposium  is sponsored  by  the  IEEE  Computer Society,  Technical
 Committee on  Mathematical Foundations of Computing , and  the University
 of Edinburgh, in cooperation with ACM SIGACT, ASL, and EATCS.

  ORGANIZING COMMITTEE:    J. Barwise,   W. Bledsoe,  A. Chandra  (chair),
  E. Dijkstra,  E. Engeler,  J. Goguen,  D.  Gries,  D.  Kozen,  Z. Manna,
  A.  Meyer, R.  Parikh, G.  Plotkin, D.  Scott

  Ashok K. Chandra                    George Cleland
  IBM T. J. Watson Research Center    Department of Computer Science
  P.O. Box 218                        The King's Buildings
  Yorktown Heights, NY 10598          University of Edinburgh
  (914) 945-1752                      Edinburgh EH9 3JZ, SCOTLAND
  ashok@ibm.com                       011 44 31 667 1081 ext. 2775