[comp.ai.digest] Conference - AI in Minerals and Technology

OKANE@UA1VM.BITNET ("Kevin O'Kane 348 6363", 205) (09/07/87)

            Artificial Intelligence in Minerals
                 and Technology Conference

                    October 20-21, 1987

                 The University of Alabama
                      Ferguson Center
                     Tucaloosa, Alabama

                       Sponsored by:
          United States Department of the Interior
                      Bureau of Mines


  The University of Alabama, College of Continuing Studies
     The University of Alabama, College of Engineering
               University of Missouri, Rolla
                  Colorado School of Mines

For information contact:

                    Dr. Jack R. Woodyard
                    U.S. Bureau of Mines
                 Tuscaloosa Research Center
                       (205) 759-9422


                   Registration Services
               College of Continuing Studies
                       P.O. Box 2967
                   Tuscaloosa, AL  35487
                       (205) 348-3000

Program Agenda:

1.   Tutorial: Introduction to Neural Networks and  Associa-
     tive Memory (3.5 hours) Bart Kosko, Verac Corp.

2.   Neural Networks Simulation  for  Welding  Image  Under-

3.   Introduction to the University of Alabama Department of
     Mechanical Engineering's Robotics Laboratory.

4.   The Use of Expert Systems for Mineral Processing Appli-

5.   Toward Fuzzy Expert Systems: An  Example  from  Mineral

6.   Predicting Chemical Parameters with Prolog.

7.   Experiences  Gained  form  Using  an   Expert   Systems
     Approach in Process Management.

8.   Knowledge  Systems   for   Troubleshooting   Production

9.   Use of Fuzzy Logic for Rule  Based  Control  of  Liquid
     Level in Vessels.

10.  The Goal of User Development and Maintenance of  Expert

11.  Genetic Algorithm.

12.  MICA - An Expert System.

13.  Expert System for Material Selection.

14.  Application of Re-Writing Techniques to Inference Tech-

15.  Process Control with a  General  Purpose  Fuzzy  Expert

16.  Computer Architecture and Intelligent Systems for  Real
     Time Applications.

17.  Role of AI in Analytical Instrumentation.

18.  Application  of  Expert  Systems  Knowledge  Refinement
     Techniques in Material Technology.

19.  Application of Artificial Intelligence to Alloy Design.

20.  Use of Expert Systems in in Cast Metals Technology.

21.  Prototyping of an Expert System for Troubleshooting  of
     Clinkers Grinding Mills.

22.  CORDIAL: A PC Computer-based System for  the  Diagnosis
     of  Stress Corrosion Behavior in High Strength Aluminum

23.  Artificial Intelligence in Automated Scrap Processing.

24.  Applications of Expert Systems Technology at  Bethlehem
     Steel Corporation.

25.  Panel Discussion, Summation and Conclusion.

For registration information, contact the Jack  Woodyard  or
Registration    Services   (given   above)   or   OKANE   at