tim@LINC.CIS.UPENN.EDU (Tim Finin) (09/15/87)
From: Christian Overton <overt@omega.prc.unisys.com> Seminar Paoli Research Center UNISYS Paoli. PA Coordinating the Use of Qualitative and Quantitative Knowledge in Declarative Device Modeling Peter Karp Knowledge Systems Laboratory Computer Science Department Stanford, CA 94305 We describe several new qualitative representations and reasoning techniques. These techniques allow us to represent both state variables and the interactions between them with varying degrees of precision. This is desirable when we have only partial knowledge about these entities or when we wish to express approximations to the knowledge we do have. New reasoning strategies have been develped to allow the propagation of the different types of values through the differnt types of interactions. Tuesday, Sept. 15, 1987 4:00 - 5:00 Cafeteria Conference Room, PRC For further information contact Chris Overton at 648-7533.