NASA Ames Research Center Intelligent Systems Forum Professor Yamakawa, Kumamoto University and Professor Hirota, Hosei University (Japan) The Application of 'Fuzzy Control' in Japan SUMMARY: A seminar on the application of 'Fuzzy Control' in Japan and recent work leading to the creation of 'fuzzy chips', 'fuzzy hardwares', and 'Fuzzy computers'. The list of interesting applications include the famous control of the trains (metro) in the city of Sendai, Japan and a fuzzy controlled in- telligent robot. This seminar will include illustrations of these systems. An abstract of the talk will be sent-out as soon as its received. Time: 2:00 -- 3:30 p.m. Date: Nov. 5, 1987 Place: Conf. room 103, Buliding 244 Inquires: Hamid Berenji, (415) 694-6525, berenji%plu@ames-io.arpa